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Everything posted by jofus

  1. jofus


    I’m out of town but I’d be up for it sometime this week.
  2. This one hits close to home. He and my grandad were best friends going back to their days at UT. I’ll never forget how Alan came to sit by my grandad’s side shortly before my grandad’s passing. RIP
  3. jofus


    This interactive map is pretty cool: https://lowlidev.com.au/destiny/maps/mars
  4. jofus


    The gunsmith is selling kinetic damage mods. Stock up!
  5. had the same problem in our neighborhood. someone complained to the city, and turns out there is a noise ordinance they were exceeding. no more problems after that.
  6. jofus


    Congrats on the job! Girlfriends are the worst.
  7. jofus


    try this one: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JLs_KcPdDjVZPUl_TkFHtU9mEYua2DSZha0LwMiv-V8/edit#gid=0
  8. jofus


    Add your gamertag here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/tHOQuyvELNJlrH5ssaRilNQ/htmlview?pli=1
  9. I didn’t know this before today: i have hated the DTVN DVR on the beta because the interface with the ATV remote is dumb. However, you can go into the app and select universal remote, which I hope will help with navigation.
  10. Looks like DVR is rolling out on DTV Now today. Apple devices and chromecast first: https://help.directvnow.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005970363-An-enhanced-DIRECTV-NOW-experience
  11. jofus


    If anyone has not yet played the new expansion, I recommend doing it. The campaign itself leaves a few things to be desired. But the additional lore, and end game content is back to a D1 level. It’s pretty fun. Bungie still needs to address a bunch of stuff, but they’ve made a lot of progress.
  12. jofus


    i may get on tonight just to get familiar with everything again. haven't played since CoO.
  13. Same. Great knife.
  14. jofus


    Anyone going to be on next week?
  15. jofus

    One X

    Let us know what you end up getting!
  16. jofus

    One X

    VIZIO is pretty good bang for your buck. I’d shop around for one of these: https://www.vizio.com/m50e1.html?msclkid=ef3aba9bdfad16326893e0441432d7d4&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PLA 's - M-Series Display_XX&utm_term=4585513243736069&utm_content=M-Series
  17. jofus

    One X

    Price range and size?
  18. That’s sounds fun and hilarious.
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