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Everything posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. Stroller = insta nap in our world.
  2. The massive conferences/realignment have given us what appears to be a slate of compelling and even matchups across the board. I heard yesterday that every CCG is a 4.5 point or less spread. When you don't play every one in the league, the game is an entertaining way to determine a winner. I guess it was an entertaining way to determine a winner when everyone DID play each other, it was just utterly pointless. It's sports. Sports are fun. Why have less? The amount of "meaning" a game has is ultimately a somewhat arbitrary decision that we as fans collectively arrive upon. Bowl games have ALWAYS been exhibition games that don't really matter in the context of determining who the best of anything is. They didn't just become meaningless - they never really meant anything. Talking heads have been crying about meaningless bowls for 20 years and then one day players woke up and agreed. As soon as that happened, fans followed suit. I doesn't mean I'm not entertained by watching a bunch of backups try and kill each other in Mobile at 4:30 PM Central on a Tuesday.
  3. I would have thought the pedophiles would be more enthused
  4. We'll bring 35-40K would be my guess. If ASU matched us (they won't) and you pick up 20K randos (I think that's normal for CCGs) you'd be close to full. I expect it to be about 75% full. I think you'd need both participants to be within a 10-12 hour drive to realistically sell it out. Arrowhead would make more sense from a capacity standpoint, but less sense from a weather stand point.
  5. There's a newcomer in the ACC, SEC, and Big 10 title games too.
  6. I'm flying in early Saturday AM (have an obligation I can't skip Friday night) and that flight went from $150 on Saturday afternoon to $400 when BYU's score went final (which is when I booked lest I jinxed it). And that's out of Minneapolis. I can't imagine what it is out of Des Moines, or the caravan that will be headed down I-35. Plane leaves Minneapolis at 6AM, and you're got damn right I'm going to be drinking the little traveler bottles.
  7. Malzahn leaving UCF was like when Greg McDermott left ISU for Creighton when they were still in the MVC. It wasn't working, everyone knew it, and he was getting out before anyone else had to make an uncomfortable decision. In no world is this a referendum on the UCF HC job vs the FSU OC job.
  8. Appreciate the recs. One of my best friends from ISU lives in Plano and is picking me up at the airport, and I assume we'll be going back to his place after, so I guess we'll see where that leaves things.
  9. I wasn’t there but bottom middle is pretty damn close in terms of build and hairiness
  10. Just booked my tickets to DFW. Hold mah diiiiick
  11. Fuck. Yeah. Don’t even care if BYU loses. We won 10 games for the first time ever and beat Iowa and KSU in the process.
  12. Hour 45 from Farmageddon 108 kick off and I’m about ready to puke.
  13. The Big 12 is getting in unless we have a 3 loss champ. And you know what? I have no issue with a 3 loss team getting left out.
  14. I think I’m raising a squirrel. She just ran behind the garage bar and emerged with a cracker of the type we had been eating in here Sunday. Obviously she stashed it somewhere and retrieved for later snacking.
  15. How different is this conversation if the ACC is beating each other up and the Big 12 has a bunch of 1 loss teams? Maybe it looks the same, but I’m guessing it’s flipped.
  16. I don’t think that was ever really a thing for you guys. Your brand transcended it.
  17. Yeah all of Minnesota’s Eisenhower Administration natties mean something now as they struggle to fill a 50K stadium.
  18. 2/3rds of the Big 10 are indistinguishable from the average Big 12 or ACC program. They’re just lucky that Ohio State and Michigan enjoy propping them up financially.
  19. Yeah, he’s been appearing in permutations of this thread since he was 4 or 5. Got plenty of his uncle’s personality. I’m really nervous about Saturday. Obviously we have a lot more to play for. Obviously that don’t make a shit.
  20. No one really deserves autobids, but it’s clear the Big 10 and SEC want them, ergo it will happen when the playoff expands, which seems inevitable. The Big 12 and ACC bring enough viewers to the product to get something, but not enough for equal footing. If you think any of this is motivated by what’s earned on the field of play, I’m not sure what to say. By preserving some access to the schools outside the SEC and Big 10, you keep all their fans watching your product without having to share anything with them.
  21. I think it’s gonna be the 14 with 4 SEC/Big 10 bids, 2 Big 12/ACC, 1 G5, 1 at large, but there will be no bye for being a conference champion. The byes will go on seeding, and the top 4 seeds will always be from some combo of SEC and Big 10 teams. Bye teams will host on campus games and keep the gate.
  22. Last year he said he was just yelling "BOOBS" at the end of sentences. It was great entertainment. For me anyways. I could see my brother's few remaining hairs falling out of his scalp in real time.
  23. Gonna be interesting this year, potentially. Failure to Launch Stoner BIL upped his threats of self harm to the point of being committed this summer. While it seemed like he started to get on a better track after getting out, he's falling back into his loathing and self pity. Most of it revolves his belief that he's a friendless loser, which while true, is entirely of his own doing. He still complains about getting made fun of in high school (he's 33) despite having been a college athlete and a guy that women generally find good looking (until they talk to him and his negativity is an immediate turn off). We're hosting the in-laws and Friday and he's not coming with, which is just fine by me. Having to be around his mopey bitching just takes all the life out of a room. I just hope for my wife and in-laws' sake that he doesn't do anything drastic in the next month (I doubt he will). Went to my brother's place in St Paul on Sunday (for my mom's side) and going to my old man's tomorrow. I doubt either one of those will create drama, but my 9 year old nephew is almost always good for a few one liners. He's starting to get openly horny and my brother has no clue how to address it. We grew up German Catholic, so anything like that was snuffed out with swift and severe punishment for generations. My SIL is far more of a gentle parent than mine or (any previous generations were). So I wouldn't put it past him to reference having a boner at the dinner table.
  24. The ACC has more shitty programs, which makes it easier for the better programs to finish with 1 or 2 losses. The Big 12 is much deeper. Like it's not even close. Unfortunately, this makes it a lot harder in regards to the CFP. EDIT: 'stache and I with the same basic post at the exact same time.
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