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Everything posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. Besides buttholes?
  2. Yes. If I had been standing next to the refs that ruled that fumble (and subsequent return) down by contact that night, I probably wouldn't be in a place where I'm allowed to post on message boards. I can't imagine being that mad about a game nowadays, but I guess that's aging.
  3. The other side that pisses me off, is that if ISU has the exact same season 3 years earlier, they get the trophy and recognition. For the exact same accomplishment. It's just that sense of getting screwed by the shifting winds of change that we've been up against for a minute now. Life's not fair.
  4. OU would have been champs that year without the CCG despite losing to you. They were 8-1, you were 7-2. 2020, 2021, and 2022 were the years that the team who won the round robin lost the CCG. Us, OK State, TCU.
  5. Play was over. It was just a straight up cheap shot. It might have actually been called a penalty now that I dig back on it. I was drunk as hell and blind mad at everything in black and white that night. It was the same game where we forced and recovered a fumble the play before your go ahead TD and it was ruled down by contact. We also let Case McCoy complete an end of the first half Hail Mary, so fuck us too.
  6. Nothing new for Big 12 refs. They've been letting knee cappings go for decades
  7. It just really sticks in my craw that winning a conference tourney in hoops is generally discounted as being less of an accomplishment than coming out on top after a season of playing everyone, but in football, they only recognized the team that won a rematch game whether they finished league play on top or not. From an ISU perspective it feels like the goal posts are shifted to negate whatever you accomplish.
  8. Somehow that trend bypassed the state of Iowa altogether.
  9. Funny you should say that. Our AD tried to do an updated tornado in 2017, and it was far more Bugle-y. Wore it against Texas, actually, and it's never been heard from again. Thank god.
  10. We have a non-beveled I-State. It's classy. I'll always be partial to our two 80's logos.
  11. I think we basically agree here. I'm not saying ISU should actually claim to be the Big 12 champions for 2020 (thought that post was clearly tongue in cheek). I'm saying it's ridiculous that the league didn't recognize round robin winners and CCG winners separately, like it does in basketball. From 2011-2016 there was no CCG because you didn't need one. Round robin determines a champion. The league just kept doing stupid shit to try and appease the playoff committee. Like a cat chasing a laser pointer. Because the committee just made shit up on the fly, and didn't want to recognize any non-blue blood in the 10 team Big 12, it was an utter fool's errand. Lack of vision indeed. FWIW, Big 10 quit playing a round robin when they added Pedo State, which lead to a lot of co-championships for whoever was decent and dodged Ohio State.
  12. Total collapse
  13. Not so good
  14. Baylor was the champ in 2014. The Big 12 idiotically waffled because TCU looked like the better team. It was arbitrary bullshit. The entire conference played each other. It was impossible not to have a clear winner. That’s why round robin exists. There was nothing “participation trophy” about coming out of that clearly on top and you know it. From 2011-2016, that was the champ and it made sense. Then they decided to play a random rematch game.
  15. I’m just saying there should have been a regular season champ and CCG champ. Just like basketball has a regular season champ and a conference tournament champ. The Big 12 CCG in the 10 team era was no different than a conference tournament in hoops. Not even a little. There was no point to it other than TV money and a 13th data point for the playoff committee.
  16. Pretty, pretty, pretty good.
  17. I’ve always dug the I-State but a lot of our fans don’t.
  18. You'd know better than me, it just seems that in the last couple years he's gone from a fiery wildcard to a bitter old man.
  19. Gundy's been there for 20 years. Eventually the game passes everyone by. He's probably at that point. He hates the modern recruiting landscape and the state of the game today, and I'm not sure how that doesn't rub off on his team some.
  20. I guess if other schools can make up natties, there's no reason we can't claim a conference title we actually won.
  21. Well, we both have rivalry games to wade through and our line indicates KSU would be favored on a neutral field. Drop me a line next fall if you're looking for recs in Ames on gameday. I doubt I'll be there (unless it's really early or really late in the season), but I'll give you a solid itinerary. I'd tell you right now to stay in Ames instead of a Des Moines suburb, and reserve a room the day the schedule comes out. I'd recommend Days Inn on Duff. It's not the nicest place, but it's good enough and you can walk to the Tip Top Lounge, Jack Trice, and the downtown bars. You'd have to Uber to Campustown, but that's it.
  22. I’m still pissed that the Big 12 didn’t recognize regular season champs from 2017-2022. We won the 2020 round robin by a full game and there’s 0 acknowledgment of that. Same thing for TCU in ‘22. Would that be our first ever match up?
  23. These were the best uniforms I’ve ever seen ISU wear
  24. Read the link closely
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