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Everything posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. I’m from a very small town and it’s absolutely the reason my youth experience had a heavy Gen X vibe. We were very much 3-5 years behind on a lot of cultural trends.
  2. It’s the fucking mom jeans
  3. I’m an elder millennial (‘85) and I wanted to get pussy because, well, it’s fucking awesome. There was nothing societal about it. My brain was just wired with a high sex drive. It sounds like yours is less so. There’s nothing wrong with that either, so long as you’re comfortable with yourself and others. None of this makes you a “man”. But guys who actively despise women because they can’t convince any of them to have consensual sex are definitely not real men.
  4. I've regularly served backstrap that people thought was beef loin before I told them what it was. Our deer are basically eating the diet of a beef cow, just roaming through corn and soybean fields and eating that all summer long.
  5. God, I had forgotten that logo. At least your unis were fine. Or at least I remember them being fine. Good lord standard definition was dog shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jef5UFUHxlU
  6. God, all that shit is so late 90's-early 00's.
  7. I hate those things. We were always rated "worst uniforms in college football" in those days. The whirly bird was busy as hell, and the blue accents were dog shit.
  8. Some mild tweaks to ours (shoulder stripes, and using white on the jerseys) that I think improve them. Previous version:
  9. Have you had venison from a deer that lived in corn country?
  10. They're 16 seasons deep. Of course there's some crap episodes. When it's on, it's at a level of funny that even Larry David can't pull off. The 5th season of Sunny is the funniest season of any television show, ever, IMO. It was just straight heaters.
  11. My Top 5 sitcoms: Sunny Parks Curb Seinfeld Arrested Development If Trailer Park Boys is a sitcom, it probably bumps AD. Or I'd just merge Curb and Seinfeld cause it's all Larry David.
  12. Al_4_ISU

    Pearl Jam

    Eddie used to drink 2 whole bottles of wine at every show. In the not that distant past. And he smoked cigarettes for years (maybe still does?). Combine that with just being a touring musician and all the complications that would put on someone, and I think he looks pretty good for 60. Other than McCready, who got clean pretty damn fast, they all stayed away from hard drugs, which is the other secret to their longevity.
  13. This is mind blowing to me. They CAN be cool, but you have to spend a lot on drainage or build on a hillside to have a walk out.
  14. Interesting read. Around here basements aren’t about saving space - they’re for hiding from storms and people just kinda figured if they had this space they’d use it. If I ever build a house from scratch, I’ll just have a fortified internal room with concrete walls. Basements are mostly a headache in my experience.
  15. How come no one south of I-40 has basements? Soil types? I'll admit that they're mostly a hassle up here and are prone to flooding and all kinds of issues, but I definitely get some peace of mind knowing that there's a convenient place to hide from naders.
  16. Round 2 for basically the exact same area that got hit Friday
  17. They’re all the same, right?
  18. To be clear, I wasn't advocating for the show to end there. There were a lot of great moments after that. I'm just saying it felt like a finale. The final scene, with American Girl playing in the background, and everything working out for everyone felt final. My criticism of the later years (and it's a minor one) is that (in Ron Swanson's words) everyone got a little too chummy and they leaned into the insularity of the Pawnee universe a little too much. I still felt the show scratched more or less the same itch from Season 2 through the end.
  19. Al_4_ISU

    Pearl Jam

    It's probably in my top 3. Definitely top 4. I'd put Vitalogy and Vs. ahead of it, solidly, but after that there's a strong argument in it's favor. I always enjoyed them rolling Betterman into Save It For Later by the English Beat.
  20. Within an hour of me posting in this thread, there were “male empowerment” ads popping up in my Facebook feed.
  21. I listened to him once on Rogan like 7-8 years ago (before that show went to hell) and thought “hey, this guy seems reasonable”. And then his next appearance got weirder and the one after that weirder, and by that time I was coming to the conclusion that the entire Rogan universe was nothing but endless small dick energy with a particular political slant. I quit paying attention to Peterson before he got into that submissive tradwife shit, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
  22. Are we sure this isn’t already a thing? Because this seems like a thing.
  23. Harvest Fest totally felt like a finale
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