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Posts posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. 19 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    Disagree. The last DMW album is my favorite thing he’s done. 


    I saw DMW 6-7 years ago (after the first album) and they were a blast.  Granted, it was in Minnesota, so they were laying it all out there for the "home crowd" so to speak.

    I'm still really liking this new TBT as well.

  2. 13 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Well, the bike is no doubt a lot heavier than your road bike, and possibly more importantly the wheels have a shit ton more rolling resistance, both friction and inertial, so yeah it can be hard.  Also, if you aren't aware, you typically need to lean forward significantly on any mtb to keep the front wheel down while climbing.  You learn not to bleed speed on an mtb when approaching a climb.  And, you are more likely to encounter significantly steeper grades on a trail than on any road that has been paved, or even graveled (if anyone is paying that much attention to it, it has been graded down).


    It's rather amazing, to me, how much different the cardio and energy requirements of mtb are from road biking.  Road biking really doesn't prepare you for it unless you do sprint intervals on the regular.  And the combo of coming out of something technical with your adrenaline pumping and having to do a lungbuster climb is something else.

    I've struggled with the flip of this equation, IE dropping into something technical that demands all of your faculties with your lungs about to burst from the climb you just did/attempted.

    Appreciate the advice.  I've played with leaning more into the climb, but that just turns into me standing on my pedals, completely off seat, which doesn't get me very far either.

    I definitely struggle with timing my gear down to capture as much momentum going into the climb, without being in an impossible gear.

  3. I've gotten a couple of rides in on my fat bike so far, mostly single track.

    Is it normal not to be able to climb steep, sustained pitches?  I live on the edge of a very hilly area, and that's where all the trails are at.  I ride road bike in that area, and chew up any paved hill I've ever come across.  I can't think of a single time I've had to walk my road bike up a hill.  However, on single track, when I hit anything very steep, I quickly become able to keep pedaling, even in my lowest gear and my feet going flying off the pedals, or my front end starts coming up.  It seems like I can hardly climb anything with my fat bike, at least on single track.  I haven't had any trouble at all on gravel/crushed lime stone.

    Am I just a pussy, or is this typical for starting out?

  4. I went to our first game there in 2012.  It was fun, and the TCU fans were fine, even though we beat them soundly.

    I had reservations about a religious university in Texas after my horrific visit to Baylor, but I had a good time.

  5. 25 minutes ago, TrashMaster G said:

    I don't think it was a league-generated thing.  I think it was a particular crew that has a natural bent against Texas.  The bullshit penalties started early because the guys on the crew couldn't be unbiased with UT on the field if their lives depended on it.

    There seems to be a snowball effect of them upping the ante as the game went on as well.

  6. From watching the clip of that 2015 OSU game, I don't think it was rigged at the start.

    I think what happened is that somewhere during the course of the game, the crew got pissed at either the Texas coaching staff, or fans, and went rogue.  They were definitely incompetent and just cracked on the Ford hold.  They doubled down on their rage with the Charlie Strong 15 yarder, and that cemented it.

    It was clearly biased, intentionally damaging officiating, but I don't see any motive for this to have been some pre-emptive league ordered deal.  I think it's something that developed over the course of the game.

    • Like 1
  7. I didn't hate Season 4, but as others have said, it suffered from the lack of the ensemble.  ANUSTART was incredibly funny.


    "I blew my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, and now I have quite a mess all over my hands"

    "There are so many poorly chosen words in that statement"

  8. I remember listening to your OK State debacle in the field (TuneIn is the shit).  When Strong get the 15 yarder your radio guy (who strikes me as very reserved and professional) just lost it.  "THIS CREW IS OUT OF CONTROL".

    He was right, but I had a hard time mustering much sympathy because I was still butt hurt about the 2013 Screw Job.

    I'm over it now.  I honestly think that call/game swung the momentum of the Paul Rhoads era for good.  He never recovered.  If he'd have stayed the course and kept going 6-6 we wouldn't have Campbell.

  9. 11 hours ago, flatdawgs said:

    Apple Cup's in Pullman this year.  It's usually fun.... B|


    (I'd go to a UW game at any/all of the Big 12 schools...the only question really is what ones I'd return to. Based on what I've heard, ISU would be one of those.)

    I'd be jumping all over the UW game as well.  Your setting looks beautiful, and my wife's cousins live in Seattle, so we have a free place to crash.  There's just something about Pullman's isolation that intrigues me.  Plus Leach.

    I'd be interested in the following Pac 12 games (besides the two Washington schools):  Oregon, Oregon State, Utah, Colorado (never went when they were Big 12)

    The California schools don't interest me at all, and the Arizona schools aren't terribly interesting football destinations either.  Just don't get the impression that their fans care.

    • Like 1
  10. 7 hours ago, texifornia said:

    I'm a gotdam millenial, so that was the first truly fucking horrific front-to-back game I'd ever seen. I remember getting destructively drunk in SoHo that night.

    We had that game against Iowa State a couple years earlier where we got a couple of stupid calls in our favor but holy shit the Okie Lite game was an abortion start to finish.

    I unleashed such a tirade at the end of that game that the guy in front of me turned around and said "son, you need to clean up your act."

    2017 Farmageddon was the most fixed game I've ever watched.  Very similar to your OSU debacle.  The officials picked up the flags on 3 obvious KSU penalties, 2 of which would have allowed us to bleed the clock and win.

  11. 5 minutes ago, SnowAggy said:

    Any Pac destination would be great for me.  Tempe or Tuscon in November would be...less snowy...

    Always been a casual fan of most Pac teams especially UDub who I (aged 7) first saw play on TV Jan 1, 1982 taking down my fathers Iowa Hawkeyes in the Rose Bowl.  For some reason I instantly liked the Huskies, Dad didn't.

    I'd assume a non-con scheduling agreement would likely mean games in September.

  12. On 4/30/2018 at 12:56 PM, Elvis Presto said:

    ya, i've been to a famous dave's and it sucks.  Dickeys is actually better.  

    No one really thinks Famous Dave's is BBQ.

  13. 23 hours ago, SnowAggy said:

    Yeah, been saying this for years and I think we discussed it at the old site.  Why not have an agreement by which a (vast) majority of P5 CFB west of the Mississippi is one group?  Doesn't have to be a merger at all.  But some scheduling agreements would be nice.

    I would love an ISU/Wazzu home and home.  Been wanting a reason to go to a game in Pullman forever.

    • Like 1
  14. 23 minutes ago, G650 said:

    That actually sounds great.

    It's pretty awesome.  We're really blessed with over 100 miles of paved trails accessible within 20 miles of my door step.  There's a bike shop in the town I live in (Cresco; population of about 4,000) and I'm pretty good friends with the owners.  They lead up this whole thing, and have built a solid community of folks who like to ride bike and party.  In the fall they host the Ride to Cure Chlamydia, and in the summer we always do a weenie roast ride, where someone drags a grill behind their bike, and someone else drags a cooler full of cheap hot dogs and Hamm's.  The town at the end of our trail (Calmar), and a neighboring town to the east (Decorah - home of Toppling Goliath beer) have big biking communities as well.  There's a new brewery in Calmar that's making really solid beer, so I'm looking forward to riding to the brewery (21 miles) and riding home buzzed on a traffic free trail.

    My little corner of the world is seriously underrated for outdoor recreation, and I hope it stays that way.  


  15. First ride on the road bike tonight.  Every Thursday, there's a group that meets up at the bike shop in my town and rides down the paved trail to the next town to the east.  You hit the bars there for a couple rounds, ride back to town, and have a few more.  Always a good time.

  16. 1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    No way they leave if they were even 5-5 against us.  

    Bingo.  Their "Texas is the boogeyman" syndrome was the result of you guys dominating them even in the years you sucked.

    • Like 1
  17. 2 hours ago, MaybeACoordinator said:

    The army sent my grandfather to Nebraska for a semester or two during WW2. He said the girls were ugly and cornfed. As with Battle of the Bulge and Okinawa survivors, he didn't like to talk about it much. 

    Lincoln is the only major college town I've been to where there were more ugly chicks than hot.

    I find the "women from ______ are hotter" conversation to be 95% bullshit and an extension of "my patch of dirt is better than your patch of dirt", but not when it's about Nebraska.

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