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Posts posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. 14 minutes ago, Saint Tacky said:

    This.  Straight up blind taste test and Ohio sweet corn destroys that ethanol product they grow in Nebraska

    You gotta compare sweet corn to sweet corn.  Field corn is a totally different animal.

    Corn talk not going away.

    But I agree with your general "fuck Nebraska" sentiment.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, utee94 said:

    My mom made tuna on toast as well. I actually liked it then, and still do.

    Another one she'd do was a white cream gravy with diced hard boiled egg whites mixed in, served over toast, and then you push the hard boiled yolks though a strainer and sprinkle that over the top.  She called it "goldenrod toast" and I liked that one, too.


    We had this every year after Easter for about 2 weeks, except the whole boiled egg was chopped up and thrown in the gravy.  Just called it creamed eggs, or something like that.

  3. 1 hour ago, TornACL said:

    They were actually nice fans but after a few years a few cracks in the façade started to appear.

    Their love of Runza, as mentioned above. That shit is fucking foul.

    I was once waiting to get into an Ames bar and a fight almost broke out because this one kid (ISU student) proclaimed that even though he goes to Iowa State, he's a Nebraska football fan. WHAT THE FUCK? Yes, this is when both teams were still in the Big 12. It doesn't really matter though. There are also a lot of Nebraska fans who adopted Duke as their favorite basketball team in the 90s. Wow, way to go out on a limb, dipshits.

    Dipshits from Western Iowa often cheer for Nebraska.  They come from generations of weak willed cowards who were unable to embrace the institutions of their home state because they needed validation from victories.  So they globbed on to the "GO BIG RED" tomfucckery because they suck.

    This kid also could have been from Nebraska.  I knew two guys at Iowa State from Nebraska who still cheered for the Huskers.  One of them (actually one of my best friends) walked it off.  He still roots for them a little, but he'd never cheer for them over ISU.  The other one was a fairly cool guy who softened his stance, but probably puts Nebraska first.  In their defense, they were both Nebraska natives.

  4. I think braunschweiger is liver, generally.  Pretty different from head cheese.

    I'm not far from a town called Elma, Iowa whose locker makes the best braunschweiger I've ever head.  Instead of having that almost creamy, spreadable texture, it's firm.  Like a good summer sausage.  Fantastic shit.

  5. I think this entire experience is going to be some grade A songwriting fodder.

    Going from being unknown outside of the world of Americana music fans to being Mr. Miranda Lambert overnight is a gigantic change in life situation.  A small town kid just got shoved into the limelight real quick.

    It's also sort of hilarious trying to watch these tabloid rags explain who Felker is and what Turnpike Troubadours are.

  6. 46 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    Cotto salami and Ruffles on white bread dressed with mustard. 

    Denver Sandwich - ground beef sautéed with bell peppers, onions, and eggs then mixed with mustard and mayonnaise. 

    50% of my meals growing up right there. 

    I'd voluntarily eat this right now.  I too grew up with a lot of cheap lunch meat sandwiches, and chips were always my go-to way to liven things up.  Especially during the summer, when we'd be out working on the farm every day and not coming back to the house for lunch.

    Because I grew up on a hog farm, we did have access to a lot of quality meat for little cost, so dinners were always good - but always pork.  Beef, chicken, and fish were rare items in our home.  But brats, pork burgers, and roast pork were the base of 75% of dinners growing up.

  7. 40 minutes ago, Whitman said:

    There is only one coach in the Big 12 who has ever lost to Kansas.  That would be Dana 5 years ago.


    PS: No, I'm still not a big Dana fan.  I would party with him, but he just hasn't done what he was brought here to do or even maintain what we did.

    In all fairness, there's a big difference in competition that makes maintaining what you did more than a maintenance job.

  8. My mom tried to make homemade mac and cheese once.  It got all curdled and disgusting.  It was bad.

    My dad wouldn't let any food get wasted, and he was making us eat it for lunch.  My brother spit it up on his plate in a fake demonstration of how disgusted he was, and my dad made him eat the regurgitated mac and cheese, which made him almost legitimately puke.

  9. 4 hours ago, HouTex said:

    This was thoroughly discussed on the old site. Mayo only has a few uses. BLTs, cole slaw, tartar sauce, roumalade. Not much else.

    Potato salad.  There are some solid flavored aiolis out there, but I believe aioli technically isn't mayo because it uses olive oil.

    Mayo is gross as a straight up condiment, but it can be effectively employed as a binder ingredient if it's taste is masked by the stuff it's used with.

    • Like 1
  10. On second thought, don't hire Pelini.

    I can't take any more Snyder.  I'm praying that we win an improbable, come-from-behind, ref-assisted Farmageddon this Thanksgiving, and Snyder evaporates in a cloud of dust at the end.

    In all likelihood, he'll announce his retirement before the game, we'll blow a 21 point lead, and he'll get every fucking call down the stretch.  You know, the usual.

    • Like 1
  11. 12 hours ago, Walden Ponderer said:

    Honestly, I don't have the first fucking clue why "down and out" programs don't go this route. Triple option, wing-T, just something different that you can recruit to specifically and give yourself a niche chance of succeeding, rather than trying to beat out the established programs on their own terms. Seems axiomatic to me that Kansas is not going to get better by trying to do the things that the established schools are already doing -- why would any recruit choose them if they are not different in some way?

    It's not exactly triple option, but a big part of why our offense has improved, IMO, has to do on an increased focus in running the ball, and using a ton of play action in the passing game as opposed to trying to be a more air-raid style of offense.  Campbell knew we couldn't get ahead by trying to do the same thing as the rest of the league while getting mostly 2nd tier athletes.

    • Like 1
  12. Shiflett has a new album coming out this year, just a year after "West Coast Town", which was one of my favorites last year.  Pretty stoked.

    Every once and awhile I see people who act like they hate Grohl/FF.  Those people are trying too hard to be edgy.  Even if you're not that into their music, I can't imagine how any music fan wouldn't appreciate their enthusiasm, vigor, and general likability.  The whole band is cool as shit, and they're always championing the cause of lesser known artists, and doing as much as they can to bring great music to as many people as possible.


  13. 18 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:

    44K average out of 50K capacity with no sellouts. 

    All while being the only D1 (let alone P5) school in their state and being located within a Top 15 largest metro area.

    There aren't many schools whose stadium is smaller than their student body, but they make that list.

  14. 21 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    So what's the over/under on how much longer Todd Snider will be alive?  Jeez.  He's always had demons but it doesn't appear to be an improving condition.

    Recent videos have looked better than a couple years ago.  

    When HWA made their last album (2016?), he seemed withered away and out of his god damn mind.  I had kinda thought Todd might be the next Keef, but he looked rough there.  I remember him giving an interview where he said he wasn't drinking, but doing a ton of acid all the time.  Like with the tone that this was some kind of improvement.

    It was like a diabetic saying they're giving up red meat.  He seems less fucked up recently and in general better overall health.  Who knows.  His real battle is with pain killers, and that shit isn't easy to get past.  And it'll kill you pretty quick.

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