Not sure if I'll have the usual updates or not. Nothing has really changed with the in-laws. BIL is now 32 and living at home, getting stoned every day, and claiming he can't afford to go rent his own place even though he has a stupid BMW sedan with a racing stripe that he could sell for enough to make a down payment on a house. He's made some occasional threats of self harm but refuses to do anything other than smoke weed to address his mental health issues. FIL still has a tendency to get irrationally angry about politics and interject it out of nowhere thanks to his buddies sending him YouTube conspiracy theorist videos. Of course, knowing full well that my wife and I are on the other side of the fence. MIL still nags him before he's actually behaving in a problematic fashion, which has a tendency to instigate the problematic behaviors. Years ago I pretty much always took his side, but as time has worn on I've come to the conclusion that his anger is getting worse, my MIL's frustrations are more justified, and he should probably do something about it.
The wild card in hopefully reducing the drama is our new daughter. She was born in August, and they're all absolutely enamored with her and thus far seem to try and always be on their best behavior in her presence. I don't know if that's a sustainable solution to their issues, but it's definitely not hurting anything.
If they want to scream at each other and threaten various forms of self harm when we aren't around, then I guess that's their prerogative. We're getting together there on Saturday, and I just hope I can convince my wife to head home before Farmageddon kicks (7PM). We both have to drive, so the booze will be very minimal, and I'd have to imagine that will have a tangible effect on things too.