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Everything posted by Al_4_ISU

  1. He doesn't. He caught on early in the Campbell era and thought it was cool to see this die hard fanbase with 0 historic success finally get a modicum of respectability.
  2. That place is great, and we definitely have a lot of breweries. I live in a town of ~4,000 that's more than 60 miles from any place with over 10,000 people and there are 6 breweries within a half hour of my house. A couple of those are in Minnesota, but the small town/craft beer thing still applies.
  3. I liked that White Horse lead single but got real bored with the new album real quick.
  4. That chick's dad used to post on CycloneFanatic. The thread where he admitted it was priceless. I guess it probably means he has a smoking hot wife though, so good for him.
  5. Also, I should add, I'm not sure if this is a guy's trip, or if wives are involved, but Della Viti is a cool wine bar right across from Sweet Caroline's. My wife always makes sure we stop in there. Cellar 626 is a little bit of a hike from downtown, but it's a cool craft beer/cocktail speak easy behind the cooler of Cyclone Liquors (a big liquor store in a strip mall). Totally unexpected location, great drinks.
  6. KSU is a much bigger game to our fanbase. It's an actual rivalry. I mean, how laughable is it that ISU fans would consider Texas a rival? It's patently ridiculous when viewed through any definition of rivalry. That doesn't mean they aren't jacked for the game. People are reading way too much into the comment of one dumb college kid.
  7. Yeah, that makes sense. I just see all this pearl clutching about what our dipshit lineman said, taking it to mean ISU thinks this is a rivalry blah blah blah. Texas is a huge brand. They're leaving the league. It's the last time we'll play. Both teams need to win to make the CCG. It's senior day. If anyone didn't think this game would have extra juice, they don't understand the basic psychology of sports, IMO.
  8. Lua slams. Alluvial is way out on the north edge of Ames, but it's excellent beer in a unique setting (on the edge of 40 acres of restored native prairie). I'd either hit it before checking into your Airbnb, or take an Uber out there. You're staying downtown, which is a fun area. Much less of the "puking in the toilets" college kid crowd and more of the young professional or Alumni back for the game crowd. For Friday supper, I'd hit up either Sweet Caroline's or Cornbred - both are on Main and likely walking distance from where you're at. If you're in the mood for pizza, Great Plains Sauce & Dough is an ISU institution that I've never personally been that into. Whiskey River is always a fun bar in that neighborhood as well as London Underground, and Sportsmen's. A bunch of the other bars have changed hands in the past few years, and I can't vouch for them either way. On Saturday, go to the Tip Top when you get rolling for the day and then go tailgate. Just walk around with beer, don't be a dick, and you'll be welcome at most tailgates. I'm sure you'll see a shit load of "horns down". 99% of is good natured fun, but like anything in this day and age I'm sure there will be some assholes out there that will be trying to get a rise. An unfortunate reality and comment on society.
  9. Nebraska was the game we always got the most jacked up for. Not that I would call it a rivalry because it was pretty one-way. Everyone who isn't the biggest guy, always wants to beat the biggest guy. It always surprises me that Texas fans seem caught off guard by this/miffed about it.
  10. It's cool, I don't think you're targeting me personally FWIW. But it seems like you have a particular fixation on the future Big 12 and are wishcasting a level of demise that's unlikely. I get the impression most Texas fans don't really care about what happens to the Big 12 going forward, and that's based on how there's only a handful of them posting in the Big 12 related threads. So when the same 5-6 keep popping on the topic, I assume they must be somewhat emotionally invested in that outcome.
  11. Indiana too, for that matter. I just refuse to acknowledge anything in the Eastern time zone as Midwestern.
  12. Staying by a brewery? I'm guessing you must have Airbnb'd? If it's Alluvial, you're in for an absolute treat. It it's Torrent, it's still pretty fucking good. Our beer scene is great. Surprised to see a general negativity about Midwestern beer though. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Illinois all have some seriously excellent breweries.
  13. You say it like we don’t celebrate swine on a daily basis.
  14. It's almost like most of those posts are on subjects that have little to do with Texas sports, and this message board encompasses an extremely broad range of topics and has scores of posters who are here for reasons that have tangential connections to Texas sports, at best. But you knew that.
  15. Says the bot who constantly bumps the "Tell Me About Iowa State" thread with inane, pointless links to things that no one here gives any semblance of a fuck about.
  16. I like this message board, dipshit. It has nothing to do with my feelings about the University of Texas or their athletic programs. You may have noticed there are countless fans of other schools, many who only played Texas once or twice. Some who haven’t played Texas at all. Hell, the fact that Texas isn’t a rival is part of the draw. It’s easier to talk sports without rivalry baggage. Statsman constantly posts about how awful the Big 12 is and then claims he doesn’t care about it. If he didn’t care about it, he wouldn’t post about it. Notice, I don’t go into threads about Texas football. I wandered in here over a decade ago looking for advice about Austin and enjoyed the sense of humor and off topic shit. If you think some latent obsession with Texas is the reason that scores of non-UT fans post here, and almost never talk shit about UT in the process, you’re a fucking moron.
  17. Maybe for our coaches. Our fans will be jacked, but it’s not because we think Texas is a rivalry game. If you polled the fanbase with “you can only win one game this year, who is it?”, you’d get 70% Iowa, 25% K State, 5% Other.
  18. 1-3 in the last 4 trips, which is true. I’m sure that’s what he meant. He’s still an idiot for putting it out there.
  19. ISU fans don’t consider Texas a rivalry. They just want to win the last game badly. Don’t confuse the two. But sure, one dumb lineman is an ambassador for the whole fanbase. You can tell me how little you care about the Big 12, yet all you do is post about it.
  20. ISU's played 2 consecutive night games on ESPN, both against teams that will be in the Big 12 next year. I get you're doing a bit, but try harder.
  21. Talking shit about an opponent before a game is fucking stupid regardless of whether or not they're any good. When they're more talented than you? Special kind of dumb.
  22. It's being discussed in the thread about the Texas/ISU game. TLDR one of our offensive linemen gave Texas some bulletin board material.
  23. Better than clinging to the stupid ass rule that was in place before hand.
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