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Everything posted by pied

  1. Perfectly dealt with. Easy to see that go wrong.
  2. Think we need Mané to be putting in some work. That’s the reason he’s on and we need him.
  3. Think that image of Klopp will be saved and posted a lot of places.
  4. Who’s playing RB at the moment, Jones? Did we move to a back three?
  5. Don’t like the look of that. Also hate to see Lallana leave so quickly.
  6. Pouty Mo. I get it though. Figured it was Minamino coming off.
  7. Another thing I hate about the new offside/VAR rule, just raise the flag and blow the whistle. All sorts of bad things and confusion can happen when you wait.
  8. One of two solutions. My solution is the VAR guy gets ~10 seconds. If he can’t tell, it stands as ruled in the field. Second solution is what they do in The Netherlands,and that’s using a 10cm line.
  9. Mega leg was overrated as a thing but cool. Big deal ganging up in the Blondes, they would have lost regardless. Fairly strong showing by the NFLers and they helped with the Turbans. Nit really sure I get the alliance with the three. Probably the three strongest teams. If you’re going to be all strategic why keep the stronger teams. Of course this season is different with the ability to just give answers to the other teams so there’s that. Hung and Chee are growing on me. Volleyball guys dropping a little. Brother and sister just aren’t very good.
  10. yeah, that was some pretty startling information.
  11. Good news - no injuries. Really I guess that's the most important thing that could have some out of this game. Early start Saturday.
  12. pied

    Maradona - RIP

    lived a hard life and had some great moments. '86 was the first WC I watched seriously. Saw dang near every game, most in Spanish. RIP to one of the all time greats.
  13. I'm willing to give everyone a chance, but think there's more emotional attachment to this one due to the reason for replacement. Still sad about this one. I'll likely shed a tear in the last episode and suspect I won't be the only one. All for a game show. Thinking about it, I'll probably be emotional for the first one with Ken Jennings. The producers have knocked this out of the park the way they've handled it so far .
  14. don't remember this one coming out when I was a kid, but was a pretty good watch i think.
  15. Over the Edge, watched that a ton when I was in ~4th grade. Crazy the stuff I'd watch but couldn't imagine letting my kids do.
  16. pied

    EPL 2020-21

    Here's my take. I hear you but in the end it's a dumb point. Reason is that HEAD BUTTING a player to any level, from Zidane to this one is entirely preventable. It's not going into a challenge and getting there late, it's not looking back at the ball and reaching high and catching a guy's head. It's not nearly anything except pushing your head into someone else's. As someone mentioned, it also is a great rule for the refs. They don't have to discern the severity.
  17. Boyfriends annoy me, brother sister annoy me because they talk about Cal/etc. but still get easy stuff wrong. I was neutral on Leo/Alana for the most part. Probably the only one that still likes the NFLers, but don't recall the stealing the cab(probably distracted). Hung and Chee were meh but grew on me that leg. Really nit-picking as everyone is likable to me outside the boyfriends, but they seem pretty stout. The word scramble and meat market challenges bugged me. Several teams just gave the other the answer (especially Hung & Chee/NFLers) but I don't recall a situation where a team just went to the public to solicit help. Seemed odd. The meat market seemed worthless. There was no incorporation/interaction there, just go find it at the top stairs and the locals pretty much pointed everyone there. Not sure why they stopped. Plus it looked like kind of a cool/interesting stop.
  18. pied

    EPL 2020-21

    Missed another by a few milliliters, one point, and had to settle for this. I'd suggest the home league record helped win this as well.
  19. pied

    EPL 2020-21

    This is good, right?
  20. That was a fun one and the kind you like when you have to watch on the phone on the middle of kid soccer stuff
  21. lol, my wife asked what smokeshow meant too.
  22. Still watching. Not very entertaining, but I'm a junkie so it is what it is. Just dumb that they put Ed and Chasen together, too predictable and what a wuss out moment. You knew what was going to happen and backed out when they announce the matchup. If your shoulder's busted (first I don't think you get that big but that's anotehr story) then say it up front and no biggie imo. Second, they asked for a volunteer to come in and Noah did so get over it. If it wasn't him then it would have been someone else on the date.
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