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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hornian

  1. 3 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    I had that starting the day after New Years.  A combination of this:


    ...and a nice fever to knock me down hard for a couple of days.  Hadn't had a legit stomach bug in YEARS.  It sucked.

    I had one coming back from Hawaii last march. I tell you what, being on a plane over the Pacific is no place to be when you have one. Completely changed my perception of my first (and so far only) visit to Hawaii. 

  2. 53 minutes ago, closetojumping said:

    It's a terrible hire and will lead to more years of UCLA being a doormat and presenting no challenge to teams on their schedule with whom we're competing in regard to the CFP. It's a fucking joke. They'll go 5-7, 4-8, and 2-10 before retreading someone else following him. They should have just dug the rotting corpse of Bob Toledo out of his pinebox, reanimated him, and seen if that ghoul couldn't keep their disinterested program afloat by stirring the echoes of the last time they were relevant. It's irritating.

    Tell us how you really feel. Don't hold back. 


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  3. Ok, humble brag time but I do have an issue with my kids I don't know how to handle, and would love some advice:

    Lots of folks are on here are posting things like "There's no way I could get into UT now" - but I'm in the opposite boat - I'd have no problem getting into UT these days with my grades/scores from 20+ years ago. I was 4th in my class (not 4%, 4th), and had a ~1500 SAT. And I didn't really work hard at it. Never took any prep courses for the SAT, didn't have to cram to study - it all just came pretty easy for me. I was that kid in high school who did all of his homework in the cafeteria right before the bell rang and got all the questions correct, or who could read the 350 page novel for English once and remember everything about it without a problem, or who finished their test first and aced it and then got in trouble for disrupting the class because I was bored since everyone was slower than me. There was this time in AP physics where I just "got" the concept (I don't remember what it was now), and the teacher asked me to come and explain it to the class, but I couldn't explain how it worked, it just made sense to me and I could work it out in my head but not explain what was going on to get to the correct answer. I was the only person who got an A on that test. I also lettered in more than one sport, was in UIL academics, and still had time to get drunk enough at a party to go the hospital for alcohol poisoning because, again, I just didn't need to study hard so I could do all of that stuff and keep my grades up. To some extent UT was a "wake up call" - but it's because I got some Bs my freshman year instead of all As. The only C I ever got in my life was crim law my 1L year of Law School, and even then it was because 1) crim law just didn't engage me, and 2) crim law was on Tuesday/Thursday afternoons in the Spring, and I would skip a lot of Tuesday classes to go watch baseball games at the Disch (it's not my fault they built the Law School so close to the baseball stadium).

    The problem is I don't think my kids will be like that - I love them, and they are smart kids who aren't struggling academically, but they aren't testing the way I was testing at their ages. My oldest is in 2nd grade and is doing fine - but I distinctly remember taking some standardized test in 1st grade and the school talking to my parents because I had gotten the highest score in the whole grade and they wanted to see about me skipping grades (to my parent's credit - they didn't make me skip grades, and I'm glad they didn't as I think that my social skills would have suffered if I did). She's in the top 85% of her class with her MAP scores, so she's smart and gets the concepts, but she's not the smartest kid in the school smart (which I'm fine with, or course). 

    I still have a lot of time, but I don't know what I need to do to help them be prepared because I didn't need the help myself - so I don't have anything to fall back on as "well, this worked for me." Is anyone else in this boat, and is there anything that has helped you give your kids the assistance they will need at times when you didn't need it yourself when you were their age?

  4. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Apropos of little, early Saturday morning we had two lightning strikes near 360/2222 that were almost as loud as any I've ever heard.  I knew they weren't right at our house just because the light preceded the sound by a fraction of a second, so I didn't have to check trees/roof/etc., but holy shit it was loud.  Impressive.  Mother Nature, you scary.   @hornian must have heard them.

    Yeah, heard it for sure. My dog about hit the roof. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    The RCTs that supported Paxlovid authorization included only non-vaccinated and previously uninfected individuals. The data for populations post vax or with prior infection are very limited, largely observational data. So if you want to take Paxlovid, go for it. I haven't had COVID, but if I did I might consider it. But understand that the data in seroconverted individuals is not particularly compelling. The data particular to vaxxed/boosted/updated etc. are basically on the same evidence level as the observational ivermectin garbage. Everyone appreciates the irrationality that revolved around the latter without much debate except on the fringes. 

    Are you living in 2021?

    The FDA fully-approved Paxlovid in May 2023 (about 2 years after the original EUA) for "the treatment of mild-to-moderate coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in adults who are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or death. FDA has determined that Paxlovid is safe and effective when used in accordance with the FDA-approved labeling."

    And there was clinical trials for both patients with a previous Covid infection and vaccines prior to the full FDA approval. From the FDA's website:


    Benefit of Paxlovid was observed in patients with prior immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19. Among patients in EPIC-HR who were antibody positive at trial enrollment, the risk of COVID-19-related hospitalization or death from any cause during 28 days of follow-up was 0.2% among the 490 patients treated with Paxlovid compared with 1.7% of the 479 patients receiving placebo. EPIC-SR was another clinical trial that enrolled vaccinated patients with at least one risk factor for progression to severe COVID-19. 

    If a doctor prescribes it, they obviously think there is a potential benefit to their patient. These aren't people going to Tractor Supply and buying ivermectin, these are presumably people who go to a doctor, test positive for Covid, and getting prescribed a treatment, and then following the advice of their doctor. 

    Again, substitute "flu" for Covid, and "TamiFlu" for Paxlovid, and no one would bat an eye. 

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  6. 10 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Totally cool with taking the Paxlovid.  100%.

    I don't have a problem with what someone else decides to do for their own health.  I don't feel my posts have been inconsistent with that.

    The post I originally quoted from @Skipper (the one that you quoted when responding to me) was calling the people he knew irrational for taking Paxlovid after they had been vaxxed, boosted, etc.

    And since you were commenting about on that and talked about irradiating covid instead of using a therapeutic to treat symptoms, it sure seemed like you either missed the point (intentionally or unintentionally), or were supporting the original comments that I was responding to. 

  7. 1 hour ago, slorch said:

    There is zero isuue with it.  The issue with it is mandating it as if we are eradicating smallpox.

    and "approved" is a freaking awesome descriptor.  In the beginning, it was much more, "We don't know shit, but this is what we have, so push it through.  What could possibly go wrong? Oh you don't believe our science?  Then fuck you.  You can't keep your job any more."

    Yeah.  I don't understand why people pushed back on that at all...

    There is zero issue at all with the vaccine being available for those who want it.  The flags are unnecessary. They were then too.

    I think you missed the point.

    Why does it matter if someone gets Paxlovid when they test positive? How is that a sign they are acting irrationally?

    therapeutics aren’t a cure, they aren’t a prophylactic, they don’t try to “eradicate”, they simply treat/lesson symptoms. 

    It’s akin to saying someone who takes ibuprofen for a headache is crazy, because a headache won’t kill them, so why should they try to alleviate the symptom?

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  8. 21 hours ago, Skipper said:

    Just heard the craziest COVID people I know (somewhat friend of my wife and her husband) contracted COVID for a documented 4th (or maybe 5th?) time (I'm guessing they test about 50X per year with every sniffle). Under 40, completely healthy, have gotten every booster within days of it being available, never had an issue with actual COVID beyond a minor inconvenience (including multiple confirmed infections before Paxlovid existed), and I heard they immediately went and got a Paxlovid prescription in a panic.  Just blows my mind how some people loaded with antibodies and actual experience with the disease still fear it like its April 2020.  It just broke some people.

    I get the flu shot every year. If I contracted the flu, I'd still go get TamiFlu. 

    I generally don't see the issue with going to get an approved prescription that lessons the symptoms/severity of the infection if you contract the virus. 

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  9. 14 hours ago, Hellraiser97 said:

    I've been blowing through series in recent years.  

    Series I have finished:

    The Silo Saga, Hugh Howy - 3 books, enjoyed all of them

    The Final Architecture, Adrian Tchaikovsky - 3 books, loved them all

    Children of Time Novels, Adrian Tchaikovsky - 3 Books, they are exceptionally well done, but I can't say I really enjoy them.  They frankly make me feel sad

    Undying Mercenaries, BV Larson - 19 books so far.  They're light, fun military Sci-Fi.  As long as you don't take it too serious, they're a blast.

    Steamborn Series, Eric Asher - 7 books so far.  I love the setting of steampunk, but have never reallyr ead much in it.  This came on some amazon recommendation and I've enjoyed it so far.

    Expeditionary Force, RC Bray - 15 books.  Much like Undying Mercenaries, it's light, fun military Sci-fi and absolutely hilarious.  Loved it.

    Frontlines, Eric Dove - 8 books.  I think this series is finished.  More serious military Sci-fi, but not too deep.  Enjoyed it as a light read.

    The Long Winter, AG Riddle - 3 books.  Loved the first one, kind of liked the second, really didn't care for the third one.

    The Interdependency, John Scalzi - 3 books.  I read the first one back in 2015 and completely forgot about it.  Picked up the last two last year and while it wasn't bad, definitely not his best work either.

    Academy, Jack McDevitt - 8 books.  I read these on and off for years.  Loved the early ones but really felt the last few fizzled out.

    Stand along books:

    The Doors of Eden, Adrian Tchaikovsky - He's a really smart author.  This book was a little difficult at the beginning, but I really liked it overall.

    Project Hail Mary, Andy Weir - Not as good as the Martian, better than Artemis


    Did you ever read the Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons? It's 4 books. It's very good. Kinda prescient because it deals with AI (he calls it the Techno-Core). It gets a little weird in the last book, but all in all I enjoyed it. I just re-read it again. The Shrike is one of the best "monsters" ever. 


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  10. 3 minutes ago, TrashMaster G said:

    1 - Wow.

    2 - Who has tickets in multiple Tiers for the same sport?

    I do, for baseball, because I couldn't get 4 together in the "tier" I wanted. So I have 2 in one tier, 2 in the other, and then just plan to sit in empty seats for 90% of the games. 

  11. 34 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:


    Looks like the market didn't like what ole Bernake had to say?  From 33 up before he started talking to up 14.  Still- that's in the green every day this week so far. We aren't running away and hiding, we are still 6/10ths below this time last year, but it certainly has been worse and not all that long ago. 

    Freudian slip or joke I don't get?

  12. 12 hours ago, CycleTex87 said:

    Well that sucks.  Looks like Chinese batteries put it out.  Is there any vehicle in the US that qualifies for the full $7500?  Still like the Mach E though.

    Rivian does, but you have to do a lease first. You do the lease, which gets the $7,500 credit applied to the purchase price (it's available for fleet sales regardless of income or anything else is my understanding), then buy out the lease. I beleive you can do it without any penalty. 

    But they are about 50% more expensive than the MachE or Model Y. 


  13. 17 hours ago, South Austin said:

    As long as he’s not hungover he should be going to practice.

    The kid's in 6th grade, you lunatic. I didn't start getting drunk until 8th grade. 

    • Haha 1
  14. 20 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    El Chaparral in Helotes, easily top 5 cheese enchilada in the state  

    I ate there so many times as a child. Many times it was before going to Flores Country Store. 

    I guess my parents did alright by me. 

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