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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. Nothing to defend about the childbirth. Yes, they take some liberties on some medical things. Nobody signed up to watch a documentary.
  2. Nobody is that good, but I enjoy the shit out of the show anyways.
  3. believably? have you seen what the regular guy 20 years younger than him looks like?
  4. Jake's GF going to be on that list?
  5. A lot of people are going to be scarred on this one.
  6. naija


    define positive.
  7. Thought it was pretty funny that Mrs. Ratliff was able to nail down the essentials of who was at the boat party quite accurately.... and her husband is slowly morphing into one of those.
  8. 105 million.
  9. I can understand the feeling of betrayal, but that was handled wrongly and I hope a correction and a path back are coming.
  10. yeah, but they are suing. I think there are significant enough differences that it doesn't have merit, but if they really did pitch it as a sequel first then they are in trouble
  11. Just watched the first episode. It was good, but borderline PTSD inducing.
  12. watching the dude makes me seriously consider the benefits of veganism. how do you not dunk that?
  13. If you have a way to read The Atlantic, this is a pretty good read on the AfD and Germany. As in the US, a lot of it is self-inflicted.
  14. 20% is what was expected.
  15. I actually thought breaking down the casting by groups, that was the best group. They each fit their roles very well.
  16. Surly: who is that new, unknown actress..... IG: 105M followers.
  17. so we are just going to act like moving a bedsheet with your penis is SOP?
  18. anyone make the mistake of going to this person's YouTube page? I'm not even sure 100% what is going on, but this is ridiculous and fucked up. A continuous stream of videos about this?
  19. The Southern accents were really bad, to me. Apart from that, the familiar feeling of overall weirdness from all the main characters.
  20. how did this become a Quinn Ewers thread
  21. you can't, because its so obvious. reads like lazy screenwriting. .. and call me a fatshamer, but there is something grotesque about someone out of shape getting on a soapbox to talk about others working or not working hard
  22. hot mic?
  23. Nike was ready to go with that one
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