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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. why do people like calling ball game with like 6 possessions left.
  2. damn, that knee was like the matrix avoiding a direct hit
  3. it's almost like both teams have the personality of their coaches.... hmmm
  4. what do you disagree with? he will be drafted high. he does have exceptional arm strength. neither of those things means he will be a great or good QB, but the post is not wrong.
  5. you can see why Allar gets compared to Josh Allen
  6. so much for being worried about that hit if they are running him
  7. must have not watched the Arizona State game
  8. Carter is special. This is the year for drafting a pass rusher
  9. how are they mid? NFL talent at QB, TE, RB, DL.... but mid? they are not a juggernaut but certainly not mid.
  10. honestly first thought when the CFP was announced was that attrition would feature heavily, and that's not going anywhere anytime soon. couple that with the inability to hoard talent like before....
  11. that's the kind of drive that can break a defense the rest of the way
  12. that story about teaching his son Latin is a perfect summation of the man
  13. that list is why you should become a head coach, even if you truly believe you just want to be a coordinator. It's like once you enter the rotation, there will always be an opportunity to jump back in somewhere.
  14. that's possible. but the GM didn't pick Mayo as the coach.
  15. they didn't expect to be good, but some sign, any sign of progress would have been something. not even progress on the field. off the field, its been a disaster as well. his media outings have not done him well
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