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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by naija

  1. Wingo just looks like a specimen
  2. it's Austin. non-zero possibility that smoke has some ganja in it
  3. please let's not do this shit for 1st SEC home game
  4. actively gunning for Nico to be on Heisman alert
  5. got away with offsides there
  6. hold your head up Gibson, it's a learning experience.
  7. someone is loud
  8. we gave them that series
  9. you treat Arch like he is your starting QB and do what you would usually do in that case. but Quinn might be back next week.
  10. There was a time people wanted that guy as coach
  11. so the ref just managed not to see that hold?
  12. are you fucking serious?
  13. processing is the one thing you can count to come along with time and reps
  14. Traylor is a bitter enough human being to make the rest of this game unpleasant. Heads on a swivel guys.
  15. I wish in-season portals were a thing
  16. don't do that to my boy.
  17. we don't know shit. could be back next week. 😩
  18. I really hate this game. WTF
  19. honestly had a bad feeling about today after Wisconsin and South Carolina.
  20. RIP Billy Napier's SEC career
  21. didn't say you always need surgery for one
  22. yes. part of your abdominal muscles originate from the ribs. strains come in grades, from not much, to a tear.
  23. what kinda shit is this.
  24. hernia = surgery
  25. defenders getting tackled
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