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  1. Dandy Don's Diaper Debris.... A Ned's Atomic Dustbin cover band.
  2. This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sinsemilla. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff.”
  3. Ok, hear me out.. We send Kyle Rittenhouse and some of his friends as the first wave of the attack.
  4. Sure, it will get exposed. And then Congress will declare Donald J. Trump as the one true King.
  5. I was opposed to getting involved in Iraq and Afghanistan all those years ago. It was always going to be a boondoggle. So pat yourself on the back.
  6. Tell you what.... If she does even a halfway decent job you'll get the satisfaction of being right. And if she fucks it all up, you'll still get the satisfaction of being right because King Contrarian is never wrong.
  7. 36 Trillion dollar deficit... But "Trickle Down" economics!!!!!
  8. And his healthcare plan. And infrastructure week starts.
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