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Everything posted by Macanudo

  1. She should mention that an immigrant stole the job of First Lady.
  2. You have a newsletter? How come I only keep getting dick pics and cat facts?
  3. I avoid using the T slur by using "transformer" instead.
  4. I would say Harvest Moon but that's mainly because the title track is one of my favorite songs.
  5. I guess when you've been awake since 5:30... IMG_20250303_093713.heic
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nuaL18LIUM&ab_channel=StarWarsMeg She discusses your 3rd and 4th point.
  7. California's map looks a whole lot more logical and concise that the Texas one.
  8. 100% disability due to PTSD but he's out there carrying a gun "protecting" us? Sounds like an officer involved shooting waiting to happen.
  9. So you have sent some animals into space?
  10. Careful. It coud be Adam Sandler or Pauly Shore.
  11. What this diagram reminds me... There are very few famous women with E cups. Lost of Cs, Ds and DDs. But so few Es and then it just seems to go to Gs and Hs.
  12. I bet he thought the cop would be on his side with the "storming the capitol" line.
  13. Outsource the hotels? He's going to sell the entire park system for commercialization. Whose ready for the Buc-ees Yellowstone Conference Center and National Park? The Vail Resorts Grand Teton National Park and Ski Area? It's coming.
  14. It's that simple.
  15. Becasue he needs them for more nefarious domestic tasks.
  16. He's so credulous that he's incredulous.
  17. Army Brat remembers gifs as smoke signals.
  18. Only if the Highway of Death is SH 6 on Saturday after an Aggie game.
  19. Yes. He won a MNC. He also perpetually got skullfucked by OU. Then, instead of graciously retiring and riding into the burnt orange sunset, he pored diesel on the place, set off some fireworks and went all Eastbound and Down on us. The funny thing about all of that was UNC rehired him after seeing what he did and he turned around to basically do the same thing to them. Again. So, in conclusion... Fuck Mack Brown.
  20. Mack Brown can suck it. And you should go back to the CR where your shit posting goes mostly unnoticed.
  21. And I want that too.
  22. Kind of want.
  23. Gooby please.
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