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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. 9 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Maybe the artist was wrong and this was her sidearm, in which case a clip makes sense.


    I think it's a Steyr M1912.   




    Great-grandpappy took it off a dead Kraut at Belleau Wood in 1918 and it's been in the family ever since.   The family's biggest regret will be that it will end up in some evidence locker for years and years as the trial of that mentally unsound libtard drags on.   But little Sally will have gone to heaven to meet Jesus and that's all that matters. 



    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 58 minutes ago, BamaATL said:

    The last years of my grandpas life consisted of a diet of scotch and ice cream, in about equal parts.  My mom disallowed the facility to let him go to the liquor store anymore and I'm absolutely convinced that killed him.  In her defense, he was spending several thousand dollars a week on scotch.  

    You can't take it with you.  

    How do you spend several thousands of dollars a week on scotch and live?  We can assume he was just stockpiling it, right?   

  3. I know a young man who went to Detroit this weekend to attend Nick Fuentes' counter programing to the TPUSA thing.  He's a piece of work and scares me.  Fortunately,  I know far more kids like mine who aren't Neo-Nazi psychos .

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. On 6/11/2024 at 10:12 PM, RDCanecutter said:

    Trump is not in my Top 3 of favorite Presidents, but I think that he and every other former President should be properly armed, in case they ever have to engage in single combat with an aggressive foreign peer. Think AMLO all jacked up on PCP, or Macron with a bellyful of stale wine and Sartre.

    Trial by wombat.







    And, no, that is not a spelling error or auto-correction.

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  5. CCPD Lt. Michael Pena said the driver suffers from a mental disability and was at home with their mother when they took her keys and drove off.  They were involved in at least four separate accidents at different locations. 4

    Either the news source likes neutral pronouns or momma needed some booze and cigarettes so they were going to the store.


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  6. Ward Carroll over on YouTube has a good interview up with a British writer about Russian logistical replacement of arty and AD.  There is the thought that if the Ukrainians can make it through the summer that Russia's ability to keep up with the damaged and/or tubes will start to show.  

    They also address the training in F-16s.  Russian/Soviet training and doctrine placed a lot of command and control in commanders on the ground and in command aircraft.  NATO methodology give the pilots much more autonomy.  They are having to break some bad habits by Ukrainian pilots.

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