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Everything posted by Macanudo

  1. And probably quite a few who did those things, among others, on film.
  2. The new Department of Life under Trump will handle it.
  3. I'm not falling for that. Again.
  4. I really, really want Douglas MacGregor to get nailed and sent to Federal PITA prison.
  5. Define "better" without using Abbott as the benchmark. Wheels is bottom of the barrel.
  6. I'm really sick of hearing the phrase "path to victory." Why can't we just beat the orange shitstain like a drum?
  7. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the stage.... Billy Joel Trump!!!!
  8. Um, who cares about Liz Cheney? What does that bring really?
  9. This is the correct answer. Unless the A Team van comes with a couple of boxes of Cuban cigars and some chrome plated Mini 14s.
  10. Just some good old boys, never meaning no harm...
  11. American foreign policy over the last 100 years begs to differ.
  12. And yet, we continue to insist on Ukraine fighting with one hand tied behind their back.
  13. The Marines have so many great quotes from battle but this one from Tawara is pretty awesome. Colonel David Shoup was reporting up the chain of command on the 2nd day: "Casualties many: Percentage of dead not known; Combat efficiency: we are winning." Shoup won the Medal of Honor at Tarawa.
  14. Tyler and San Antonio are the most likely to answer. Dallas and Houston are hit or miss. D.C. always go right to voice mail.
  15. Paul wasn't the most entertaining guntuber but he was probably the most honest. Godspeed, Mr. Harrell.
  16. I called Cruz's Houston office today and asked the staffer to tell Ted to stay away from Ann Arbor this weekend to avoid Ted's stank on the Longhorns. The young man chortled.
  17. This a little dated but probably age appropriate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_at_War
  18. Don't forget MacArthur's head in the sand moments before the Japanese attacked the Philippines in 1941 AND before North Korea attacked in June 1950 AND then when the Chinese came screaming across the border in late 1950. Defending the Philippines in 1941-1942 was a fool's errand but Mac did as bad a job as could have been done. In1950, his intelligence head completely ignored a lot of good Intel that the Norks were planning something. The Chinese warned us as well before coming south. Granted, Korea wasn't WWII but Dugout Doug thought his shit didn't stink. And it did.
  19. He was spewing his shit on Limbaugh's show in the late 90's. He hasn't been a serious person in a very long time.
  20. Spyro Pappadimos from The Guns of Navarone
  21. It's interesting how the whole story just went away after she was found too. Gee, I wonder why.
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