In ' 81, I convinced one of my dumbass cousins to try an incredibly stupid (and dangerous) jump on his bike by promisong I'd give him my "Fernando" baseball card.
He tried the jump and fucked up the landing big time. I can still remember the look in his eyes when he hit the ramp and realized that he had made a terrible decision. When he landed, his bike just disintegrated into about 8 pieces. Wheels came off the forks. The frame broke in 3 places. The handle bars came off the front fork. I have no idea how he didnt seriously hurt himself. He hobbled away from his destroyed bike and into my house where I gave him a Fernando ARROYO card.
He was not amused.
But this was also the cousin that a friend and I convinced to pee on an electric fence later that day. And that was the 2nd time we had talked him into doing that. He had peed on the fence a few days before.