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Everything posted by Macanudo

  1. That's why Nicole rides her bike without her cellphone on her to Rainey Street.
  2. For the election or the 🍺 and 🌮?
  3. I doubt I'll have issues voting on the mean streats of Kingwood at the Community Center but if any MAGAts are there, I hope a bitch tries.
  4. She wouldn't have needed the lasso with me.
  5. I stayed sober through the UGa game. I figure if I could handle that, I'm probably going to be OK.
  6. Thujone to the rescue!
  7. That asshole McDonald's owner says he has 200 employees. The average store has 50 employees and nets about $150,000 per year. He's more concerned about his taxes because he's failry close to being part of the 1%.
  8. There was one (of many) egregious errors on 3rd down where the slot WR ran a post and UGa brought pressure. If the slot run a short cross the middle of the field was wide open for an easy 1st down and more. That happened several times during the game. Short 5-7 yard routes were should have been hot and taken for the easy gain. Instead, Quinn and Sark are constantly trying to set up the bomb.
  9. Is he being coached not to step up in the pocket or take the occasional 3-4 yard gain with is feet?
  10. And yet, he'll still win.
  11. Starting to regret giving up booze.
  12. Our offense must have taken some of those before this started.
  13. On that 3rd down the slot WR is running a go route when the middle of the field gets vacated by the pressure. Run the fucking slant. It might not get the first but at least you have a chance. Meanwhile, on 3rd and long, Sark is calling deep balls.
  14. We haven't had any success when we've run the ball. Georgia's front 4 is playing really, really well.
  15. This is not fun. I was told this would be fun.
  16. She eventually came later.
  17. Which one gets the genital cuff?
  18. Ok, but it was still a decent flick.
  19. Because Iranians are Arabs? I know, I know. They're not Arab. They're the lost tribe of Judah.
  21. I'm no racist but the boogeyman's dick isn't all the interesting to me either.
  22. And if people around him in the crowd knew who he was, he'd have caught an enormous amount of shit.
  23. Finished S4 this morning. Damn if they don't shake up the cast. Probaby necessary but ouch.
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