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Everything posted by Macanudo

  1. The zombie apocalypse could happen and if I was the last remaining human OU would still suck.
  2. She might be good looking but that Iphone commercial is so fucking cringey.
  3. Stern wanted Hillary to come on in 2016 and she didn't. Howard still contends that her doing so would have made the difference. Maybe, maybe not but it will help Kamala.
  4. Thanks, Buzzkill. I mean, Bullneck.
  5. Still doesn't answer where he went to law school. It could have been the Rocco Clubo School along with typewriter maintenance and other law stuff.
  6. Anyone of us who lived through the last few years of Mack Brown's tenure as well.
  7. He lives in Canada, I wouldn't know him.
  8. How does one get a Purple Heart for a training jump? The service member must have suffered a wound or injury as a result of enemy action, a hostile act, an international terrorist attack, or friendly fire.
  9. I guess that works for self-love too?
  10. Fuck Macklemore. Oh, wrong one.
  11. On the occasion when I'm out to dinner with friends or in a social setting like that, drinking sparkling water is my go to. I don't drink it much otherwise but it's my cocktail of choice when I'm with others who are drinking. I used to think it was weird in TV shows or movies when a sober alcoholic ordered a club soda but now I get it. And it helps that sparkling water has come a long, long way from just club soda with a lime as the best alternative.
  12. Please be related to James Comer. Please, please, please oh great Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  13. Cop getting hurt in Memphis. By the time it was actually sent, the dude was in Amarillo by morning.
  14. Are as she's called at the firehouse. Skunky McSkunkface.
  15. I like to imagine be smothered in a fiesty Latina sweater puppy lovefest with AOC, Lina Hidalgo and Salam Hayek.
  16. Mine.
  17. I bet he's not a "real" lawyer. He probably went to a couple of Bob Loblaw's seminars.
  18. The Antihero Podcast is the HOA of the podcast world.
  19. In on Page 666.
  20. A totally serious jouranlist: Featured Guests Ann Vandersteel has interviewed varied, high-profile guests like General Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne, General McInerney, Judge Jeanine Pirro. Constitutional lawyers like Alan Dershowitz, former Intelligence Community whistleblowers such as Bill Binney, political operatives like Corey Lewandowski, fighters like Joey Gilbert & David Nino Rodriguez, former DEA official Derek Maltz, Juanita Broaddrick, Roseanne Barr and many more!
  21. Aristotle Onassis isn't walking through that door.
  22. If Trump votes for himself and then walks outside the polling center and gets killed by lightning, does his vote still count?
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