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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. 11 hours ago, blacklab said:

    Clemson, OSU/Wisc, or OU win out they are in. That would only let 1 sec team in.

    They all lose a game or two, then 

    UGA/Fla win out and win SEC Championship
    LSU and Bama win out, except game against each other

    Then UGA/Fla, LSU and bama will all have one loss and the stupid fucks at espn will start pushing the 3 teams from the sec narrative.

    This man gets it.

  2. LSU at #2 sets up the "Three teams from the SEC belong in the playoff" bullshit.  I'm to lazy look at who voted them #2 but I'd bet Vic Mackey's fat fucking testicles that most of them come from the SECSECSEC south.



    College football is becoming unenjoyable to me.

  3. 6 hours ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:

    Hopefully this means we will survive another year of two secsecsec teams in the cfp bullshit. 

    Are you kidding?  South Carolina made it possible for THREE SEC teams to make it.   The loser of the Bama/LSU game only has that loss, Georgia wins out until the SEC CC and beats an unbeaten Bama/LSU and voila, Bama, LSU and UGa are all in.

  4. The week went like this:

    Muir Woods on Tuesday morning and then headed over to Muir Beach but it was completely socked in with fog.   Headed north to Stinson Beach and had lunch.   The fog had started to clear out so we headed back toward SF.   Less than a mile from Stinson Beach the rental car I was driving had major transmission issues and we were fortunate to be right at a turn out.   Had to get another rental sent out to us so most of the afternoon was shot sitting around at Stinson Beach.   Not the worst day ever because Muir Woods is always a treat.  We hit Battery Spencer on the way back and then went to Barrel Head Brewing for dinner.   Bee was cold (and good) and the food was very good.

    Wednesday we farted around town and wasted a day IMO but someone on my group wanted to got a particular place in the Marina District for the potstickers (Dragon Well) and then talked everyone (except me) into walking to the Fortune Cookie Factory in Chinatown.    I drove and waited and waited and waited for them to get there.   When I tell someone "Sure, it's only around 2 miles but it's, uh, pretty hilly" and we're in SF, you should believe me.  For some reason, we ended up at Union Square after that so I just sat at the cafe in the Square and drank beer.   Ended up at Del Popolo for pizza.   Keep in mind, I was with teenagers who have a real hard time eating good food.  And I don't feel like wasting money on them.

    Thursday we headed south to Big Sur for a scenic drive.   Lunch in 'Monterey at the Monterey Fish House.  It's near but not on Fisherman's Wharf which if you have never been is a complete tourist trap and really not worth wasting time at unless you want to spy some sea lions or seals.   We drove south past Carmel and took our time winding down the PCH ending up finally at Julia Burns Pfeiffer State Park to see McWay Falls.   It 's a gorgeous as ever but the trail is closed before the old house and where the condors nest.   Drove back to Pebble Beach and took the 17 Mile Road.   This is a must see.   I had never done this before and it is well worth it.   We only wished that we had more daylight.   The stone cairns at Moss Beach are very cool to see and make one of your own.  You wind by the Lone Cypress and then past some of those outrageous mansions all of us wish we had.   We drove back up to Santa Cruz and had dinner at the Lupulo Craft Beer House.   Maybe 15 beers on tap mostly from the Bay Area and from breweries that don't distribute very all over the country (for the most part.)

    The plan Friday was to lunch somewhere on the Embarcadero (we ate at the Ferry Building) and then go over to Alacatraz.  I had timed this so we would get to the Island right before the Blue Angels would be flying over the Bay from 3:00-4:00.   We are 2 minutes from boarding the ferry when my youngest passes out cold.   She and I ended up at the ER for tests (all was well) and most likely she had dehydrated herself.  So I missed all of that.   I'd been to Alcatraz before but seeing the Blue Angels over the Bay was something I might not get to do again.   After we left the ER, she and I met up with the rest of the group in North Beach because someone didn't believe me that the area, although rich in restaurants, would be a mad house on a beautiful Friday evening especially if we hadn't made a reservation and it was pushing 8:00.  Ended up eating pizza by the slice from Tony's (meh) and then heading back o the house we rented.   

    We stayed down in Pacifica across from Rockaway Beach and I really like both the location and the house.   3 bedroom, 2 bath with several living areas and lots of outdoor patio/deck space.  We weren't there a ton during the day but it was a nice place.  I've gotten to the point with the Bay Area where I'll spend my time either north (Marin/Sausalito/Sonoma) or south (Carmel).  Driving and parking in the city is a beating.   There were 6 of us so Uber was impractical most of the time.   Did it a couple of times as the group split up once or twice but overall, we were kind of stuck with the vehicle.   The one thing I have yet to spend any time doing is hanging out at the old Presidio and checking out Land's End, Fort Story, etc.   

    • Like 3
  5. On 9/10/2019 at 5:10 PM, tbone_ said:

    Shoulda spent some of that savings on audio recording. It doesn’t sound that great to me.


    Maybe but wasn't Stevie's recording one of the first done after they screwed up Carnegie Hall's acoustics because of a renovation?

  6. Got a chance to meet Buck Compton a few years ago.  Very nice man.  What pissed me off was this....  He was a the Ft. Lewis PXfor a book signing.  There were maybe 4-5 of us standing around listening to him answer questions.  Every few minutes someone would come up and get a booked signed.  I was there around 30 minutes and really enjoyed. It.  A week later Stone Cold Steve Austin was at the PX.  The line was out the door and around the building.  Those are some misplaced priorities.

  7. Six Car does make good beer.  Moondoggy is across the street (on Polk) and has pretty good deep dish pizza.   OMS is also right there in downtown and has very good food. 

    I am in Amarillo about once a month for work and have yet to go to the Big Texan.  Absolutely not interested. 

  8. Papa John's was going to give today's profits to the family and has now extended that through Friday.  The Houston President of 77 stores says theyve sold more pizza today than during a Super Bowl.  It might not be great pizza but it is a nice gesture even if it is tons of free advertising for them.

  9. 4 hours ago, Liquor and Poker said:

    Some dude voted aggy 12, a few 13 and 14.  Vast majority have them unranked, but it just takes a few idiots to fuck things up. 

    The idiots who voted Aggie at 12 and 13 are all from the north.    Minnesota, Wyoming,  New Jersey and Ohio.  WTF IS wrong with these guys?

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