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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. I just love how the news is still obsessed with Epstein.   Don't get me wrong, what he and his friends did is horrific.   I have daughters and I live every day knowing that someone could prey on them. 

    But this I think this still front page news because they are hoping against hope that Trump gets dragged back into this somehow.   He's his own vile, disgusting person but I think that's it...   They are praying that some dirt is found on him.

  2. 15 hours ago, BornOrange said:

    By 1976, those three plus Glen Ford weren't A-listers.

    Robert Redford, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Clint Eastwood were the A-listers.

    Are Redford, Pacino, Hoffman and Eastwood B-listers now?

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. 20 hours ago, 'stache said:

    Not bourbon, but why do I keep seeing stuff about Crown Royal Peach? I know people are basic, but adding artificially flavored syrup to whiskey before bottling is just criminal in my mind. If you want a whiskey cocktail, use fresh fruit, or at least mix it with your syrup after the fact. 

    Because the art of making a cocktail is completely lost in most households.  Instead of enjoying the act of mixing single ingredients, shaking, straining, etc. people want to open a can or bottle and just pour.   It's why you can blow their mind with a freshly made drink.  Or they pay $19 for an artisan made Pink Grapefruit Screwdriver with a Piquante Pepper twist at some trendy bar without realizing they can make a better drink at home for far less. 

  4. 1 hour ago, pepper brooks said:

    Take in a Rockies game.  If time permits, drive out to Independence Pass for the day and do a small hike across the continental divide?  

    The views from Independence Pass are impressive but the drive up to the Divide is the most white knuckle thing I have ever done.  And it's quite a haul from Denver.  


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  5. 18 minutes ago, UTCzech III said:

    Huge props to everyone who recommended Copper Creek, stopped there after a day of hiking at Rainier, good God, one of the best things I've ever had.  (The other 3/4ths was still in the blender cup, damn...)

    As Miguelito as my witness the blackberry milkshake at Copper Creek is one of the best things I have ever eaten or drank.

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  6. Read a review for a book about 20th century anthropologists and one of the main people portrayed was Franz Boas.     I had never heard of him but he said this in 1942:

    "We should never stop repeating the idea that racism is a monstrous error and an impudent lie."


  7. On 8/1/2019 at 1:59 PM, BonzoMontreaux said:

    The dead silence as the ball went up in the air and seemingly hung for an eternity until it went over the crossbar and the ensuing eruption of noise in the stadium, is still one of my favorite memories at DKR.

    It didnt just hang.  If you were there, and I was, it sort of backpedaled.  That was the craziest kick, short of Garo Ypremian's "Non-kick" debacle that any kid of the 70's or 80's remembers from the old NFL film.

  8. 46 minutes ago, irishtexan said:

    I’m surprised you didn’t enjoy all the impossibly lame touristy shit you chose to do or the chain restaurants you chose to eat at.

    Hey....  the shitty chains were recommended by someone who lives there.   I didn't realize they were chains until after eating at Lou's. As for our touristy stuff....  I had kids in tow.

  9. 3 hours ago, Carl Spackler said:

    Sounds like you had a great time.

    I didn't even get into my sister-in-law who took royal advantage of us.   She got married on Saturday and is the kind of person who last minutes everything and then half asses it at that.   When we showed up on Wednesday, she didn't have anything prepped or planned for the rehearsal dinner on Friday (at her house.)    I didn't plan on spending all day Thursday and Friday at her house helping.   But I felt like I had too.

    And yes, I realize staying in the western suburbs results in a lot of driving.   But on Friday, one of my kids flew into O'Hare on a 10:00 pm flight.  It took me almost 2 hours to drive barely 20 miles to the airport nd getting off the highway to side street is tough if you don't know the territory.    That's just insane.   There's hardly ever a time when getting to Bush is even close to being like that over that distance.   I know O'Hare is a busier airport but come on.   And that's just traffic around the airport.   On Sunday, we were driving to Chinatown (don't ask) and we hit a major slow down before Cicero on I-55.   I got off the freeway to try and get around it but so was everyone else.   My detour still took me over an hour to go the last 10 miles.  

    Naperville is less than 25 miles from downtown.   I realize that is a suburb but traffic was just fucked.     So, yeah, a little whiny but no one can deny Chicago sucks to drive in.

    • Like 1
  10. Was just in the Chicago area from Wednesday-Monday.   Let me start off with in fairness, I spent the bulk of my time in Naperville or there abouts but we did venture into downtown on Sunday and Monday.  I have also been several times before and stayed directly in downtown. 

    • O'Hare just flat out sucks balls.   It has to be the worst airport I have ever been too.  Traffic is horrific in the general vicinity and it doesn't matter what time of day or day of the week.
    • Traffic in Chicago generally sucks ginormous donkey balls.    Every single part of the Interstate Freeways are under some kind of construction.  Entirely too many tolls (how do they get away with Tolls on US Insterstates) and some of the plazas are set up right before a necessary exit (like coming in from the west to O'Hare on 190). 
    • Entirely too many Dunkin' Donuts and that place is terrible.  One morning I decided to go get some pastries.   The first local place I tried was a coffee/donut shop.   They had glazed donuts and one kind of bagel.   The second place I went to had two other kinds of donuts.   Ended up at Dunkin' and everything tasted stale. 
    • Navy Pier is a complete waste of time.   We went only because none of us had been before and it was just worthless.  
    • I'm not really sure what the allure of downtown is.   There are thousands of tourists walking up and down Michigan Avenue doing some shopping but most of the stores exist in any other medium to large city.   I guess if your from Podunk Iowa where there's a Family Dollar and a Dairy Queen as the center of town it has some kind of cool factor.   But I live in Houston.    It's just another downtown.
    • A friend up there recommended Giordano's or Lou Malnati's for pizza.   We ended up at Lou Malnati's because the Giordano's we tried to stop at were in places where street parking sucked and I was driving a Yukon XL.   There are around 50 Giordano's in Illinois with another 17 in 8 other states.   Malnati's has around 50 locations in the Chicagoland and around.  Not exactly a unique experience.

    So overall, not enthusiastic about going back.  I can see where flying in on a Friday, catching a Cubs game (I've never been to Wrigley) and coming home Sunday would be fun but I don't see any reason to visit Chicago anymore. 

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  11. On 7/4/2019 at 1:47 PM, Poolflood said:

    And they're not reading as much as watching videos.  Vocabulary is falling, understanding references is not as good....   Get OFF MY LAWN YOU LITTLE FUCKERS!!!!

    I dont think you're wrong.   Its shocking how little vocabulary kids know today.  

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