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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. However, student debt does not happen accidentally.  People sign up for it.  We need to tell folks the implications of borrowing money for school before they do it.  Here is what you are going to borrow, here is the job you will get if you pass your classes, here is the chance of getting that job and here is what it pays and how long it will take you to pay off the debt.  Everyone should see that before they receive the money.

    This is what I think.   No one is FORCED to take on a shit load of debt.   It's a choice. 

    • Haha 1
  2. On 6/25/2019 at 3:52 PM, jeevsie said:

    Obligatory - I was there.

    So was I.   Left Fairbanks at around 8:00 pm on NYE, flew to LAX, got dropped off in Pasadena and tailgated with a bunch of the old Hornfans crew.   Watched the FG for the win and hauled ass back up the hill to Pasadena to grab a cab for the flight back.   I think I slept maybe 3-4 hours the entire trip .   I was back in Alaska for dinner on the 2nd.   Best 48 (sports) hours of my life. 

    The real key to this Rose Bowl was downfield blocking.   Our WRs (like Tony Jeffrey) just destroyed Michigan.   Look at that 60 yard run.   The WRs are hauling ass to pick off guys and run interference.   VY was a beast but the the team was in tune and on target.

  3. Thanks for the comment.   I figured it was something to do with having a different sound than either did with their own bands.

    I got to see Stevie at Aqua Fest and I regret that it was the only time.   My friends were all done for the day after drinking and being in the sun.   I stayed and enjoyed the hell out of it. 

  4. On 11/27/2018 at 5:34 PM, SwanderedTalent said:

    If this didn't already get answered, it was sort of hinted at in Joe Nick Patoski and Bill Crawford's biography of SRV-- the Vaughans were going to tour behind Family Style, in Stevie's case without Double Trouble. The book doesn't say anything more about their plans beyond that, but there's a light implication that Jimmie didn't want the record and tour to just be a one-off so who knows what might have evolved from that.

    Why would he tour without Double Trouble?   Would the goal have been to have a bigger sound?

  5. The Mack Brown Dicksucking Apologist Club meets over at Hornfans. 

    Some of you really need to have your heads examined.   Mack succeeded with a once in a lifetime QB (Vince) for his MNC then a tough as nails kid (Colt) and the recruits that bought his snake oil after the 2005 season.   Then he mailed it the fuck in for another 5 seasons.  

    And any of you fuckers who want to say "Mack didnt beat OU enough and there were some bad losses".....  They were HISTORIC EMBARRASSMENTS. Throw in the 12-0 loss (also to OU) that ended the longest non-shutout streak in country and Mack Brown stole our fucking money. 

    Or Joe Jamail's.  Heaven knows the $200 donors werent paying his salary.

    • Like 6
    • Haha 1
  6. 19 hours ago, po elvis said:

    I probably saw your boat Monday. I just got back from my first cruise on Royal Caribbean to Costa Maya and Cozumel. Saw two carnival boats in Cozumel. Our food, at least in the main dining room, was very good. I had steak 3 nights and it was always really good. The buffet for breakfast and lunch was typical buffet.

    I had a good time, but won't be doing another cruise for the foreseeable future. I like exploring places for a few days. We did take a cab to downtown in Cozumel and walked to a mercado in the hood for some real food. Funny seeing all these scooters with locals on them carrying their extremely young children like it was nothing. But then we went to one of those beaches where you pay for beach access and eat and drink and is full of people off the cruises. That kind of sucked. It was just an extension of your cruise offshore. Next time I go to Mexico I will be flying. The days on the boat are just like you are in an Imperial Palace type casino in Vegas. Not really how I want to spend a vacation. I would rather have some local culture.

    Yep... We were coming back on the ferry from Playa as your boat was going out to sea.   Pretty much exactly how I feel now that I'm home about the trip overall.   The Cozumel stop excursion was the highlight of trip.   I finally said fuck it last yesterday and drank my 15 drinks.   Spread it out from noon to midnight and found a bartender who would make real drinks.  I wasn't hungover this morning but I do regret that. 

    One of the things Carnival does a bad job of is using the ship's spaces adequately.   In the main theater, they filled it up during the day with Bingo and cheesy Dating Game things.   Why not show a movie during the day for those that don't want to sit on deck when they do the night time ones?   The comedians only did night time shows.  There were two on board who each did 2/4 nights and two shows a night.   The room they worked in was closed until the evening.   Besides the comedy, they did karaoke in there a few times.  There's a piano bar that is only open 3/4 nights and then only from about 8:00-midnight.   Only one piano player so I can see why that happens but why not bring on another.  

    I know, I know. They do studies and have figured out what works best at what time but for those who don't want to sit outside by a shitty pool filled with entirely too many people, cruising is not the thing to do.   It did not help that temperatures were in the mid to upper 90s  and humid as hell for the whole trip.  I can sit at home in my backyard and do that for free with much cheaper drinks and better food.  

  7. I'm not miserable but this boat (The Dream) is kind of emblematic of what the Average American thinks is good food. The dinners have been unremarkable at best and below average for the most part.  Breakfast is just OK with the requisite crowds that happen when there are 5,000 people in one place.  Watching Dorothy from Midland lose her mind over the all you can shovel in your pie hole buffet was funny the first day but its day 4 and the luster is lost.   It was also funny when friends of ours were raving about the food but I'm the guy in the group who pays attention to the "New Houston Restaurants " thread, takes notes and tries new places.  My friends are the kind who wonder if there was a Chilis in Cozumel. 

    The bars, especially the ones by the pools, are crowded as fuck with watered down drinks for the most part.  We did find one where the bartenders know how to make real cocktails and not the frozen Daiqicoladarita special of the day.

    We took an excursion over to Playa Del Carmen and swam in some cenotes.  The water was refreshingly  cold and the excursion group we were with was great.   One of them had some very good stalactites and stalagmites.   The "authentic" Mayan meal at the end was actually pretty good and went will with a cold beer.  Our guide was super knowledgeable about the area, topography, etc and was very friendly.   I got the feeling he wasn't just nice because we pay.

    There are 5 couples in our group and 3 of them are the "sit by the pool/at the beach and get slobber knocking drunk" crowd.  Yesterday they staggered back on the boat at 5:00 pm and never left their rooms the rest of they day.  This morning at breakfast there were more of them with hangovers than without.   But they're going back to another beach today for round 2.  I'm going to some ruins and hopefully to find something good to eat in town.


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  8. Not sure if the OPs article or someone else mentioned it but I read anarticle last week in The Atlantic saying much the same thing but pointed out how much Chinese tourism is way up.   something like 10 mm traveled in in the early 2000s.   it's now over 100 million.    that will only grow and then its India, Indonesia and Pakistan's turn to start sending millions more around the globe.

  9. 19 hours ago, 6th Street said:

    Chicago investment group will make Whataburger better. It had been going downhill due to lack of investment.

    When was the last time corporate ownership made a previously family owned business better?  They are going to slash costs and franchise the fuck out of it.  Things will not improve.   It will  become a slightly better version than Burger King or Wendy's.  

  10. 22 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    Yeah, I am totally out of that pricing loop. Can't remember the last time I bought a box, but still got a little stash in the humidor.  Some sentimentals (last couple out of a box given to me by my uncle, now deceased, at graduation 15 years ago), a partagas 150 from same said, various bolivars R&Js, and an unlabeled rolled on the inner thigh of a 18yo cuban virgin.  I should probably burn these mofos as they are past prime.      

    I have not bought a cigar in almost a decade by the end table humidor is still almost full with full boxes of stuff.    I have a couple full boxes of stuff that is 15+ years old.   

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