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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. The closest anyone came to the real answer was the codpiece.


    Take a swing through San Antonio and visit the Alamo....   At night.    Go down to the Plaza as late as you can.  Take a seat near the Chapel and enjoy the view.   It's a special treat when there are hardly any other visitors around.   You don't need to be there during the day fighting the crowds to tour the grounds.  

  2. 3 hours ago, G650 said:

    Bobby is the bottom left picture. Top left above him is Rich Nettleton

    This is what should be important.... The names of the victims.   NOT the shooter.   I wish they would keep that out of the news.   Stop giving those fuckers publicity.    But shout the names of the victims from the rooftops and tell us about their lives, their families and the good they did.

    • Like 3
  3. I've been with USAA for over 20 years.   Until recently, the only ATMs were in the San Antonio area and on military bases with almost no branches.   About 2-3 years ago, I noticed one in Porter about 6 miles from me.   A quick Google check tells me there are 3 in the greater Houston area.    Guess how many times I have used any of them?   ZERO.  

    My paycheck is direct deposit.  I can deposit the few checks I get with my phone.   So tell me again why we need bank branches everywhere?

  4. Just got home from buying a car.   The usual jackassery about discount here, discount here, discount everywhere but not there.   I was running circles around my salesman when his manager finally comes over and caves.    I was within earshot of 2--3 other buyers and  he realized I was shooting holes in their bullshit.    I got the price I wanted.   Plus the rust resistant undercoat so I got that going for me which is nice.

  5. 1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

    A book said that a train loaded with that much TNT would stretch from Los Angeles to Chicago. Yikes.

    [Nat King Cole]Get your kicks on Route 66[/Nat King Cole]

  6. 5 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Regardless, those who remain capable of engaging in debate should do so, without contempt.

    That's the frustrating thing.   I can have some really enlightening conversations with people I disagree with if the idea of non-contempt occurs.  I very often learn something from their point of view.   I may not agree with it but I can learn.


  7. In all seriousness....   This gets credited to Voltaire I think but "The best way to defeat your opponents argument is to know your opponents argument."   Civil discourse and discussion is such a lost art.

  8. 24 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    We’ve got millions to spend on detention centers for migrant children- how can we even think of investing in the mail?

    I bet there is some free space within post offices.  Convert that space to detention and voila!

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Helobious said:

    1) If a business came out and said “we will no longer serve X minority group” their sales would absolutely soar through the roof. The 8chan mob would make sure of it. And most people not in the impacted group would still do business with them, not out of prejudice but because “hey it’s not me they’re talking about”. Wouldn’t be surprised to see them put non-discriminatory businesses out of business, leaving those in X group even fewer options.

    2) So if I work in the oil industry, and I find myself assigned to work in Barrow, Alaska, where the supermarket owner refuses to serve hispanics, I have to go buy a plane ticket any time I need groceries?

    Well, see all my ideas aren't 100% brilliant.   And some of them are alcohol fueled.  

  10. 8 hours ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    Any public entity

    I'm going out on a limb here.   Chick-Fil-A is not a public entity.   They are private.  I have always thought that businesses should be allowed to do business with whoever they want.  I know the law says that you can not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, etc.   But I think they should be able to.   In this day of social media, those who refuse to do business with someone "different" than themselves will suffer.    Yes, in Podunk, MS or Bumfuck, AL where there is only one baker who does wedding cakes and decides they wont make them for a non-white, straight Christian couple, the non-white straight Christian couples who want cakes will need to seek other avenues.   

    But guess what?  Some of those white, straight Christians out there will not like that and will do business with Mary Beth Jenkins, the cake maker who sells to ANYONE.  And in bigger towns and cities, those companies who wont do business with non-white, straight Christians will see their business dry up as the rest of us who don't give a shit what people look like, who they worship or who's dick they suck (or don't)  will support them because they produce a good product at a fair price.      

    That is how the world works now.  

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