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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. Is CNN mainstream enough?    The Examiner article was still factual.   You're being argumentative for the sake of arguing on that bullshit.



    Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley is trying to change that. Last week she introduced an amendment to a voting rights bill to lower the voting age from 18 to 16. "From gun violence to climate change, our young people are organizing, mobilizing and calling us to action," she argued. "They are at the forefront of social and legislative movements and have earned inclusion in our democracy."
    Democrats narrowly supported the measure, but Republicans voted against it en masse, and it was defeated. That was a mistake. Young people need and deserve the right to vote -- and the country would be stronger if they had it.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    I'm ignoring your Washington Examiner post, because it may as well be straight from the RNC.  They're not an unbiased source.

    No taxation without representation! 

    They've been taxed like that since I went back to work in 2012.   Where they ready to vote at 5 and 7?

  3. 13 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    Ban congress from sitting on corporate boards
    Ban congress from using taxpayer money to settle employment lawsuits from their own staffs
    Ethics code for SCOTUS
    Calls for amendment to overturn citizens united
    Presidential nominees and VP have to disclose 10 year of personal and business tax returns
    Automatic voter registration
    Restore right to vote for former felons
    Mandatory 15 days of early voting for federal elections

    So basically:
    Democrats - dark money out of politics, transparency in finances, make voting easier, ethics

    I have ZERO problem with any of those provisions and would go a few steps further:

    Ban Congress from sitting on boards (while in Congress) and for 10 years after leaving office.

    Ethics code for SCOTUS plus removal from SCOTUS after X years of service and/or Y age.    I understand the need to have experience but there is no reason for justices to nearly die in office on a regular basis.   And I'll open the other can of worms....   Same thing for Congress.   You shouldn't be 80 years old and in Congress.  Or have been serving 45 years (Don Young, I'm looking at you.)   Young is 85 years old.   More than half his life has been spent as a Representative.   How many of us would trust an 85 year old grandparent with that kind of responsibility.   And spare me "We have term limits", it's called the ballot box.   Do you know why Don Young is still in the House?   Because he brings home the bacon to his Alaska constituents.   To the detriment of people in other states.   There are 63 members of the house who have been in office for 20 years or more.   The Senate?  15 of them have 20+ years experience.   Patrick Leahy has been there since 1975.    He's 79 years old and has been a Senator for more than half his life.    That's fucking insane.    

    All nominees for the House, Senate or President/VP have to disclose 10 years of returns and while in office returns must be disclosed for them and significant others.   

    Mandatory 30 days of early voting for all federal elections.   

    I'm all for making it easier to vote and more transparent.   I'm just not sure about extending it to 16 year olds.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I stopped reading there. 


    An initial story where it the sponsor made some points for why they should be allowed (driving, working.)   

    And follow up on the results.


    During debate on the idea, Pressley argued Congress needs to lower the voting age so "young people can have a say in federal elections."

    From gun violence to climate change, our young people are organizing, mobilizing and calling us to action," she said on the House floor. "They are at the forefront of social and legislative movement and have earned inclusion in our Democracy."

    Republicans disagreed and said Democrats were really trying to create more people who are likely to vote for Democrats.

    "I'm of the opinion that we shouldn't arbitrarily lower the voting age just because right now, I believe Democrats think they'll gain more votes," said Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill. "I believe it will institutionalize a Democrat majority here in this House of Representatives."

    Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., said on the floor about Pressley's language, "I think this is foolish."

    Representative Pressley (the sponsor) brings up the gun violence as mentioned above.   Representative Davis also mentions what Turkleton said.   As for Slugga's "you all did this or that", not all of us.   And with any election shit tons of people rationalize why they vote the way they do from one election to the other.   I knew college age girls who voted for Clinton the 1st time through who did so because he as a D and that meant "he was more pro-choice" and then turned around and voted for Bush later because he was a Texan.   I know people who voted for Bush (2x) and then not only voted for Hillary, actively volunteered and campaigned for her.   It's not a one way street on how and why people vote.

    Granted, sure, a significant amount of voters ARE idiots.  When we talk about average intelligence, it means half the population is BELOW that level.   And IQ is not really the whole story.   I know very high IQ people who are fucking imbeciles with no common sense or emotional intelligence.  I am not proposing a return to only letting land owners vote or having tests.   I'm saying that a 16 year old is not mature enough.   I don't think that is an unreasonable idea.  I kind of like my proposal of whether someone can claim you as a dependent (although I have no idea how that would happen in reality.)   You might be making $8,000 at your part time underwater basket weaving class while you take classes at BFE Community College but Mom and Dad still get the nice deduction (plus probably paying most of your real living expenses).   They don't have skin in the game.   The amount that's withheld from me is more than the $8,000 the 16 is paid and I'm just regular middle class.   

    Hell, my 12 and 14 year old get taxed on their income from their mom.   I end up up writing checks to pay taxes at the end of the year on them.   Should they get to vote?

  5. 2 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    You understand why the righties don't, right?

    And I'm not either, fucktard.

    We know that the mind isn't fully developed until around age 25.  But in your case (and Turkleton) the onset has yet to take place.  

  6. 1 minute ago, happyfunball said:

    Agree but we but we also shouldn’t allow 80+ yr olds to vote either

    And I agree with that as well.  We also shouldn't let them hold office or be in the Supreme Court.

    I'm not kidding.

    • Like 4
  7. I'm too lazy to post the story but WTF?  a significant amount of House Dems voted for this assisnine bill.   I realize it was part of a larger bill regarding voting rights but I'm kind of getting to the point where I think we should raise it.   At a minimum only allow people who cant be claimed by someone else as a dependent.  

    The sponsoring D made some ludicrous statement about these kids paying income tax.   Yeah, right.   Barney who works at Burger King making 8 bucks an hour after school is a big source of tax revenue.   He doesnt get ANY of his withholding back, right?

    I realize that laws passed today by current politicians affect their future but a shot nosed, mouth breathing 16 year old has no business voting. 

    • Like 2
  8. 10 hours ago, DoobieWah said:

    Old joke:


    I want to die peacefully in my sleep, unbothered by age or illness, just like my grandpa did. NOT screaming and crying in fear like the passengers in his car.

    In all seriousness that's kind of how my grandfather died.   Was driving home, powered through a massive heart attack to avoid driving through a major, busy intersection and possibly a killing someone else.   All the while, my grandmother is in the passenger seat losing her shit as she realizes what is happening.   He steered the car clar of other cars and slumped over dead.    the only drawback to this scenario is 1.  she had to witness him die and 2.  he was only 57 years old. 

  9. 2 hours ago, deft said:

    ^this. And manziel never had a chance. This little bitch might actually be good in the pros with the rediculous protection he’ll get from modern rules. Waaaay more reason to hope for him to be a bust.

    Yep.  Manziel self-imploding was pretty much a given fact.   But seeing Murray flop will be a special kind of victory.

    • Like 1
  10. Ended up booking a condo near Market Square.    Personally, I really prefer a house/condo on vacation to have a little more room, a real kitchen and parking.   


    GR, thanks for the tip on biking to the missions.   Weather permitting, that sounds like something we'd like.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Bobby_Batronic said:

    I flew private jets for 11 years. Stepping on and off the jet directly from and to your car is a nice perk. 

    The crewmembers are largely well vetted, and can therefore nearly walk through security, but spot checks are necessary. And, honestly, you can buy a full pilot outfit out of a magazine and reasonably fake an ID with some effort so you kinda want someone doing at least a cursory examination of  crew coming through. 

    Really?   I can't just put on a damper airplane pilot outfit and fly a plane?

  12. Yes, I realize there are several other San Antonio threads.   I don't care.

    Due to unforeseen circumstances, a real Spring Break trip is out and I'm faced with finding something fun to do with the Macanudo-ettes within driving distance of Houston.   As much as I loathe amusement parks San Antonio has Six Flags and they'll enjoy it.  I'm sure they sell beer somewhere in the park.   Plus we can do the obligatory Riverwalk lunch/dinner, Alamo visit and assorted other things in the area.   My kids have actually expressed interest in seeing some of the other missions and I can get us onto Lackland AFB to see the static aircraft on display.  They love history so that's an easy sell. 

    I haven't been there since 2011 and haven't stayed the night since 2003.   Obviously, staying on the Riverwalk is an option but the places worth staying at are bending people over and double penetrating them.   We used to stay at the Sheraton Gunter and I'm seriously considering bucking up and paying what they want because it's a very nice place (albeit a slight walk compared to some other places.)   I love the Menger but the last time I was there it looked very rundown. 

    What are the areas on the N/NW side like out by Seaworld, the Med Center or near Six Flags proper?   I'm not adverse to a Courtyard or Residence Inn type place (prefer Marriott properties).   I'm more worried about ending up in a shitty location with the possibility of my car is missing from the parking lot the next morning.   Proximity to decent dining options is preferred but not needed.   We can drive if we have to.  I just don't want to end up someplace that isn't a decent neighborhood. 



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