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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. 21 hours ago, slorch said:

    Ok so recap of today's festivities...

    First off, the weather was awesome. Calm, sunshiny, and a brisk 50 degrees. We came expecting someone to back out but the main shit-talkers showed. We gave them choice of NFL ball or collegiate, inflated to their whim, with a handpump and needle available. We have a very large warehouse and we offered them indoors or out and they agreed on outdoors because of possibility of hitting lights in warehouse.  So we go outside and the other "helper" and I start measuring off distance at 25' increments. 

    We get to 150' and call out that it is 50 yards to that mark.  The original discussion was 80 yards and then it came down to 65. We went ahead and measured out to 240'.  One of the guys exclaims, 'Wow, eighty yards is farther than I thought it was."   du-uhhhh!!!!!!!!  We all bust out laughing and tell him, "No shit.  that's why we called you on it, but you kept on and on and on.  So here we are..."

    I am playing catch with the other guy for warm up and they start trying to talk me into trying.  I tell them fuck no.  I throw a pretty ball at 25-30 yards.  That's it for me.  Maybe 25 years ago i would have hit 55-60, but not now.  No way.  Helper2 is warming up the other guy and he tells them to kick rocks.  We weren't the ones running our mouths... Meanwhile 2 of our younger college boys show up and start throwing.  One played college hoops at the DIII level or some shit.  very humble guy.

    So contestant 1 starts trying longer throws and eventually hits 45 yards.  We ask him when he's going to do one that counts. So he has two attempts that go about 45 yards again. contestant2 disappears... we are LOAO as he eventually returns.  He attempts 3 throws and hits 40 yards.  This is the guy who originally said 80.  College hoops guy walks up and hits 50 yards twice.  He never talked shit, just wanted to see what he could throw.

    I originally proposed the Uncle Rico day to shut these guys up from talking like they could chunk the hell outta the football.  Well that premise was a complete and utter failure.  Now they are talking about having a 'mini Olympics' in the Spring so they can 'train(LOFL!!!!!!!!!!!)' for it.

    We, the coworkers, have already determined that it will be offsite and there will be tailgating while these 2 boys entertain us with:

    100m dash

    40m dash

    Baseball relay of some sort starting with third to home and working their way out to left field fence.  Showing off their awesome arms again.


    400m race/ one lap around track.

    3 other events TBA.

    WTF hath we wrought?  LOLz.  Hopefully the EMTs are not too far from the park.

    sorry no film of the events today.  Company is pretty firm on that shit, regarding events on site.

    Tell them it's going to be like the original Olympics.  





      [Stephon Marbury and Kevin Garnett].....  All nude[/Stepon Marbury and Kevin Garnett]

    • Like 1
  2. 41 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    Was discussing this with the wife last night... The Cali wildfires have gotten so prominent (over 5% of the state has burned in the past 5 years), that if you're asking me which natural disaster I'd prefer to risk living in (quality of living not considered)...

    1.  Hurricanes

    2.  Tornadoes

    3.  Western wildfires

    This is why I regret leaving Washington state.   The only thing I had to worry about was mudfllows and lava from the next time Mt. Rainier decides to burp.

  3. On 11/2/2018 at 9:49 AM, Catdaddyhorn said:

    I have a problem with this from two separate angles:


    1.  What the fuck are these kids thinking?   When will they learn that what goes on social media gets around.   Stupid on so many levels.   And of course being racist cunts just makes it that much easier to dislike them.

    But my much bigger problem is....

    2.  If this occurred off premises, how does the school have any recourse?   The school is a government institution.   If this happens on campus, discipline away.   Make their lives miserable.  But actions that happen off campus should be free from repercussions by a governmental organization.   Free speech, no matter how vile or bigoted applies here, right?

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, Bookman said:

    What's the logic behind term limits? That after a certain amount of time one just becomes too corrupt?

    Because serving your country as an elected official shouldn't be a career.   Maybe as a sheriff or county judge but not at a national level

    Go look up the Dingell family from Ohio.    Three members (father then son and then son's wife) have held a House seat since  1933.   John jr held it for 60 years on his own.   

    Why the fuck does anyone need to be a Representative for 60 years?  Don young is the current Dean of the House with 45 years in office.   Patrick Leahy's been in the Senate since 1975 and Orrin Hatch since 1977. 


    As for district gerrymandering, we need to join 2018 and stop thinking of districts in racial ways.   I live in Kingwood NE of Houston.   My congressional district is carved up in such a way that we are joined along State Highway 99 to Cypress to the northwest and the IH-10 corridor in west Houston and then down towards the Med Center.   But people right across US 59 from me are in a different district.   Why?   Because they are the same color as I am.   If I live in a district drawn on population lines and not some gerrymandered crap I care about my district regardless of whether white, black or brown people make up the majority.   And my Representatives skin color means diddly squat.   The only thing I don't want is some idiot like Sheila Jackson Lee.   And if we drew lines on population and not skin color, we probably see a huge shift in the House, both in color, gender and quality of candidates.   How is that bad?  T

  5. 9 hours ago, Spoosner said:

    Anybody smoked a turkey on theirs? (I have the exact same vision setup as above)

    Recipes? Lessons learned?

    I did a turkey on my (knock off Egg) last year.  Best T-Day Turkey I've ever had.   Mine has enough space for a 20-22 lb or so bird.   Did a Tony Cachere/butter injection;

    1.5 sticks of butter 

    3 Tablespoons of Tony Cachere

    Melt the butter and mix in the seasoning.   Inject the bird with as much being put into the breasts as possible.  Also did a light "rub" on the outside with a dusting of Tony Cachere's.   Smoked it at 12 minutes per pound @ 325 degrees.   The best part about doing this is having the oven free for everything else.   Plus, I get to sit outside and monitor (drink) .

  6. 3 hours ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

    Only individuals can contribute to policitical campaigns.  Corporations and organizations can no longer contribute.  They are not people.  That means companies and unions are SOL.  I would also limit the amount any single individual can contribute to something really reasonable, like 3,000 per person per candidate. 

    Also, you can ONLY contribute where you are REGISTERED to vote.  So, if you live in Houston in the 2nd Congressional District, you can only contribute to President, Texas Senators, and your specific house race.  People in NY, CA, and TX should not be able to influence races in Florida, Washington, etc..

    Here, here.  

  7. Someone mentioned no campaigning until 12 weeks out.     Change it to 8 week and prohibit fundraising farther than 6 months out.   And that brings me to my real wish....    Change the term for Reps from 2 years to 4 years.  At 2 years, they are pretty much continually fundraising and campaigning.

    I also fully support some kind of district mapping.   

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