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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. 9 hours ago, Helobious said:

    1) If a business came out and said “we will no longer serve X minority group” their sales would absolutely soar through the roof. The 8chan mob would make sure of it. And most people not in the impacted group would still do business with them, not out of prejudice but because “hey it’s not me they’re talking about”. Wouldn’t be surprised to see them put non-discriminatory businesses out of business, leaving those in X group even fewer options.

    2) So if I work in the oil industry, and I find myself assigned to work in Barrow, Alaska, where the supermarket owner refuses to serve hispanics, I have to go buy a plane ticket any time I need groceries?

    Well, see all my ideas aren't 100% brilliant.   And some of them are alcohol fueled.  

  2. 8 hours ago, Nueces River Rat said:

    Any public entity

    I'm going out on a limb here.   Chick-Fil-A is not a public entity.   They are private.  I have always thought that businesses should be allowed to do business with whoever they want.  I know the law says that you can not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, etc.   But I think they should be able to.   In this day of social media, those who refuse to do business with someone "different" than themselves will suffer.    Yes, in Podunk, MS or Bumfuck, AL where there is only one baker who does wedding cakes and decides they wont make them for a non-white, straight Christian couple, the non-white straight Christian couples who want cakes will need to seek other avenues.   

    But guess what?  Some of those white, straight Christians out there will not like that and will do business with Mary Beth Jenkins, the cake maker who sells to ANYONE.  And in bigger towns and cities, those companies who wont do business with non-white, straight Christians will see their business dry up as the rest of us who don't give a shit what people look like, who they worship or who's dick they suck (or don't)  will support them because they produce a good product at a fair price.      

    That is how the world works now.  

  3. Her legacy is cemented either way. Just days before her memorial service in Annapolis, the Navy officially amended the regulation that Kent had fought so hard to change in the wake of her commission being denied. The change was named in her honor, and there have already been sailors who have been approved to commission because of it.

    Seem like the fitting thing to do would be a posthumous promotion. 


    She was one awesome operator.   Wow.

  4. On 5/11/2019 at 2:34 AM, troph said:

    One of the most hideous aspects of sexism and racism is the fact that only white men can be mediocre and still rise.

    Sheila Jackson Lee, please pick up the courtesy phone.   Maxine Waters, you are also needed on the line as well. 

    • Like 5
  5. 10 hours ago, IDIOTsavant said:

    You know a movie has a hell of a lot of quotable lines when one of the best lines from the trailer doesn't make it into the final cut:

    Taylor: Don't feel bad, Rick. That ball wouldn't have gotten out of a lot of parks.

    Vaughn: Oh, yeah? Name one.

    Taylor: Yellowstone.


    I never understood why it was taken out.   But the lore of it makes it funnier now I guess.

  6. On 5/9/2019 at 12:04 PM, Johnny Sack said:

    The people who should be worried are the ones who live in 30-40 year old suburbs.  Because that's where the folks being priced out of property will be moving.

    Honestly,  I have kind of worried about that here in Kingwood.   I realize it's 30 miles from downtown but I wonder if the house I bought in 2011 will really be worth it.

  7. 11 hours ago, NBMisha said:

    Rent an electric boat on lake union.  Bring food and an icechest of beer.  Plug in your ipod and play your favorites as you meander among the boats, kyackers, float planes taking off and landing, etc.  And the views, man.  Boat seats up to 12.  This was a regular on my what to do with guests list.

    I'm totally doing this next time we get up there in the summer.

  8. SAM has been struggling lately relying on their "other" brands like Angry Orchard to be money makers.    Will be interesting to see if they continue to acquire.

    Either way, they really can't call themselves a craft brewery anymore unless they can get the rules changed.  Again. 

  9. Everybody cancelled school today because at 4:00 am we didn't know what PHD wrote up above about the storm changing.    Last night, we thought there was a decent chance that there would be a shit ton more rain coming down around 3:00 this afternoon right at dismissal.   Seeing grade schoolers spend the night sleeping in their classrooms doesn't go over well.   And it already happened this week in Cleveland.

    The storm last night was weird in that it rained a ton, there was amazing lightning but the thunder wasn't all that loud.   My back yard was lighting up like a giant flashbulb was going off constantly but it was that loud.  

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