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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. 23 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Cripes.  In middle school, a guy got beaned with a shotput.  One of the coaches/science teachers reached him and he had a bloody hole looking thing in his head.  The coach/teacher touched it and it was squishy.  Turned out it glanced off and flipped a patch of scalp.  The squish was his hair under the skin.  He graduated from UT Law.

    So a brain damaged lawyer.   That's not exactly unique.

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  2. 31 minutes ago, HouTex said:

    And go north to Mount McKinley (now called Denali by some--all the signs and roads in the area still say McKinley--I guess they don't want to spend the money to change everything).  It is one huge mountain and it's unique in that you can start to see it when you are pretty much at sea level just north of the Cook Inlet.  It's pretty cool to see a 20k foot peak from sea level.  

    Only word of caution is weather.   Denali is cloud covered a lot.

  3. 38 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    It's not hard to get there from Austin.  Only have to change planes once in Seattle.

    Other than the fact that it's pretty much an all day trip to get there.

  4. On my drive home last night, the TXDOT sign right before 1960 on 59 showed the drive time to Sorters Rd was 72 minutes.   Its normally between 5 and 6 minutes.  I got home around 8 after waiting it out and backtracking to the Lake Houston way in.

    Areas of Kingwood that didn't even flood during Harvey had to be evacuated.   Coupled with the near tornado that touched down near Kingwood High School on Friday there's a general "WTF IS GOING ON" feeling up here. 

    There are grade schoolers who spent the night at the school in Cleveland last night.   That had to suck for them, their parents and the teachers.


  5. 2 hours ago, demos said:

    It’ll all be good once the next hurricane comes through and finally washes out all the poors.

    Hurricane?   Out here in Still Pissed Off We Got Annexed Kingwood, a shit ton of rain is taking it's toll.    Something like 9" today.   Looks like we're taking the length.

  6. 24 minutes ago, irishtexan said:

    FYI, Naperville is pretty far out. It's a 45 minute drive into anywhere near downtown Chicago and the surrounding neighborhoods. If you're looking for a place in between so it's not too far to Naperville and not too far from other cultural shit in Chicago proper, look at air bnbs in Oak Park/Forest Park. South side can be dicey. Same with West Side until you get out into the suburbs. 

    Where do the suburbs and South Side start?   Any demarcation line like a general major thoroughfare to avoid be on the wrong side of?

  7. Define Alaska.   It's almost twice as big as Texas. 

    Now, to your question, the best time to see the Aurora is winter when the sun is (barely) coming up for a few hours in the southern part of the state or at all in the northern part.   You can see it this time of the year if you want to stay up until 1:00-2:00 am.  Sunrise is 5:30 am in Anchorage right now with sunset at 10:20 pm and we're still 2 months from the equinox.  Anchorage wont go complete bright/dark but it will get close.   Fairbanks doesn't either (about 22.5 hours of either.) The Aurora is pretty finicky and requires several things; Very dark and very clear skies, atmospheric conditions to be almost perfect and a sun flare happening some time within the past day(s).   The University of Alsaska - Fairbanks has a decent forecaster:


    Anchorage is the place to home base.  From there you can head north to Denali or south to the Kenai Peninsula.   The drive north to Denali can take 5 hours in the summer depending on how many old farts are driving RVs.  Don't waste your time going north to Fairbanks unless you plan on going way farther north to Gates of the Arctic NP.   You can not drive all the way to Arctic Ocean either.   The road is shut to normal traffic before you get there.   Nearly all of the NPS in Alaska are (almost) inaccessible by car.   You can drive "into" Denali but you wont go very far as car access is limited.  Gates of the Arctic is only accessible by packing in or plane. 

    Homer and Seward are down on the Kenai and the drive to both is pretty spectacular.    Both are 3-4 hours away.   It's worth getting a hotel room there and spending a night.  If you want to fish, you can try and catch a charter out of either or head east to either Cordova or Valdez.    Fair warning if you try and stream fish on the Kenai...   It was some of the worst combat fishing I have ever seen.   Dudes were almost standing shoulder to shoulder.  That did not look fun. 

    So here's the problem with trying to give ideas on what to do in Alaska.   It's more of a "how much time do I want to spend in the car" kind of thing.   Any way you slice it, you're going to be doing quite a bit. 

    Not trying to be a horse's ass but you're better off looking at travel sites for an overview and then maybe come back here and ask for input.  Most people who have been to Alaska either took a cruise along the SE panhandle and saw tourist traps or went to Anchorage for a few days.   Very few people get off the beaten path and really see the state.   Plus, very few people actually go there.  I lived there for 3 years and barely made a dent in all the things to do. 


    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 23 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    There’s no narrative I can think of where knocking on what you think is your door to what you assume is an empty apartment makes any sense. 

    What about the one where your door is propped open (if the statement above about the self locking doors is correct) and you proceed in?   If I see my door propped open and no one but me should be home, I think about calling 911 first.   And No, because she was a cop, trained for this kind of thing, doesn't matter.  

  9. Piling on here.    Have a wedding in to attend in Naperville (Mid July).   I am not opposed to staying somewhere else within a 20-30 minute drive.   There will be 7 in my group with a large rental car (SUV or even, gasp, a minivan) so we'll need parking too and I realize that a vacation rental probably means street parking.  


    What parts of town do I want to avoid? 

  10. 1 minute ago, slorch said:

    You ignore the heat maps, charts, and crime statistics... which is fair, I guess.  Live where you want.


    The Heights might be nice relative to Houston in general.  It still has a high as fuck crime rate and cost of living.

    No thanks.

    Dude.....   I live in Kingwood with kids (middle school.)   If I could afford the Heights, I would be there NOW.  

  11. 18 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Sure...if I was.


    Housing values in H-town rationalize that there is no crime?   It's a gotdam shangri la, right?  There's no fucking way I would live in the area north of I-10, west of 45, and inside the Loop.  Fuck that all to hell.

    You realize that you just ruled out the entire Heights area, right?

  12. I have what might be a very stupid question:

    If she was coming home from wherever and went to the wrong apartment, either her key wouldn't work in the door and she would be stuck standing outside OR the front door was unlocked and she just walked in.   So either, we aren't hearing the whole story about how she entered the apartment or she was stupid enough to leave her place unlocked when she went out (work, running errands, etc.)  

    Did we already cover that?



  13. On 5/4/2019 at 12:20 AM, DCA_HORN said:

    I think the second half was a much better movie. For those of us that weren't there the first half was very instructional and gunny was great but after the first viewing it gets old.

    You're an idiot.

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