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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. 9 minutes ago, NWBuck said:

    Uhhh... this is Seattle. I wouldn't be so sure that those were "babes", if you know what I mean.

    Most definitely.   The view from the front might have told a completely different story.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    As much as it costs I'd die of alcohol poisoning before I got my money's worth. $52.00 a day plus 18% gratuity added on. 

    Going on a Carnival Cruise in June with with 9 other adults.  My bunk mate is a very light drinker as well.   But we're both getting the drink package.  I'm going to get my money's worth.

  3. If we're going with a scene from Office Space, my vote is the printer.

    From Patton, once the Germans have started the Battle of the Bulge and George says how many men he can have moving north and and how fast.   

    From the Princess Bride at the end when Andre the Giant waves to Princess Buttercup and says hello.  Hell, pretty much from the time Inigo first confronts Count Rugen to the end.

  4. I was sitting behind the visitors dugout once at the Dome when an Astro threw an eephus (and a real one that started out almost helmet high) and got the batter called out on a third strike with it.   I want to say it was Joe Sambito but it also might have been Joe Neikro.   Niekro makes more sense because he had a damn good knuckleball too. 

    Dude walks to the dugout as his teammates are all over him for striking out and he's just yells "Asshole threw a fucking softball pitch at me."    The dugout loses it and the 'Stros who could hear it on the field are crying their laughing so hard.  

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    4 minutes ago, miguelito said:

    Are there any knuckleballers left?

    I bet Tim Wakefield is good for a couple innings.  Hell, Charlie Hough pitched until he was at least 46.

  6. 1 hour ago, High Plains Drifter said:



    Lets see we got:

    Derka'd- to ruin thread by making everything about how mean everyone is to you.

    Slorch'd- to ruin a thread by making everything about how simple something is, and by god, my way is the best way.

    Swam'd- to start a thread and get completely fucking owned.

    Bernarded- to get unjustly harassed (or worse) by miscreant cops.

    now JimmyJames'd- to derail a thread by completely taking it off into some tangent that really doesn't have anything to do with the thread.


    Did I miss any? Probably one or two from the basketball or baseball forum.


    Maybe one day, if you try really hard and say your prayers, your username will become a past tense verb on Surly.


    Tahoe'd - To start a thread without any real intent to discuss anything worthwhile.

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