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Posts posted by Macanudo

  1. I didn't really care who won but it's pretty pathetic what we get regarding news coverage.    I switched between national CBS and CNN coverage and the complete bias for the Ds was so very evident.  Announcers were giddy when showing results that favored the Ds and outright glum when showing an R in control of a race.   It was glaringly obvious who they wanted to win.   I'm sure Fox was just as bad the other direction but I don't watch their crap.

    Why can't someone cover an election without the obvious bias?


    • Like 3
  2. On 11/2/2018 at 1:52 PM, Txzen said:

    Roommate freshman year was a small time drug dealer who escalated over time. At first, small amounts of weed, X, LSD, shrooms. Then tar heroin. 

    It was the day I came in from class to find him with two sketchy dudes in our room and a brick of weed wrapped in plastic wrap - a good 2x1x1 foot block. 

    Told him I wasn't interested in finishing my freshman year with a felony. He was cool about it, and it was stored elsewhere. 

    He's now a successful tax attorney in Southern California. 

    One of mine strictly stuck to selling weed but he did it in bulk.   It was only a 1 bedroom apartment but I don't think he ever slept in his more than a few times.  He'd just lay on the couch hitting the bong constantly and watching cartoons.  Dude lived off of Coke and Cool Ranch Doritos.    I don't think he ever bought anything else. 

    Came home one night from work to find him and three other people baked out of their minds watching Fantasia.  One of them gave me shit for turning the kitchen light on so I could make dinner.  When I went into the bathroom, I look over on his bed and see maybe 10 gallon Zip-Loc baggies filled with pot.   I walked back out to other room and lose my shit.   "Dude, this is go to jail for the rest of your life amounts of pot."   He replies....   "Who says it mine?   It could be yours."   Fuck that.  I moved out the next day and crashed on a friends floor for the rest of the semester.   Want to smoke like Cheech and Chong?   Go for it.   Have a felony amount of weed in our place?   Fuck no.

  3. On 10/29/2018 at 10:03 PM, slorch said:

    The buzzards are circling... “ Google maps says that fucking moose died right there... Honey, are you trying to tell me God just miracled his ass out of there?”

    Far Side cartoon in the making if he ever did more than single frame.

  4. 10 hours ago, T’Boo Ted Marshall said:

    I should have sent you to the bowling alley where Iverson was involved in a melee with some of my extended family.
    It still amazes me the amount of racism in that area.

    You mean for Virginia beach towns where they still sell Confederate flag beach towels? 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    It’s at the point where it might be worth it to have a large lottery pool. Like 100 people each giving $20.  If it hits, you still make several million per person. 

    Office pool where I work has around 20 people in it as of last week.   I suspect we'll have some new recruits on Monday.

  6. 11 hours ago, Gil Bang said:

    "commuting remotely".


    What a bunch of fucking bullshit.  Let's invent a new term for "being on the fucking phone".

    I use email more than I talk on the phone anymore.   We use instant messaging a ton.   And Skype/webinars as well.   My phone might ring 5-6 times a day.   I get 200-250 emails a day in my current role.    There should be a sizeable decrease in the new one.   But half my team is 600 miles away. 

  7. I am changing jobs within my current company from a department manager role to pure training manager.  I will not train/develop material 100% of the time but will manage a team that does.   My  role encompasses more than just training however, I will do some of it.  I can Google and read on line but does anyone have recommendations?    My new boss is a L&D guru and I will ask/learn from her but I would also like to explore some things on my own.

    One book that has come to my attention is "Fish: A Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results."   That catches my eye because my new team will be split between two different locations with the existing group in another city that I will visit and work with on-site but more than 50% of the time, we will be communicating remotely.  

    I'm interested in learning about things like Bloom's Taxonomy, teaching content writing, learning styles and general adult learning.   I feel like I'm pretty good at training and documenting but I don't necessarily know the terms and strategies of training and L&D.  

    Any ideas?

  8. 2 hours ago, futureman said:


    I’m not disputing that he’s a good quarterback, but texas in the late 90s was a machine.  he wasn’t talented enough to play here, period.  

    OK....  I can admit I went full retard for saying Mack was at fault for not recruiting Brees but in what world was Texas a machine in the late 90s?    '97 when Mackovic lost to UCLA 66-3 at DKR?    Or '99 when NC state came to town and blocked every punt and the Cotton Bowl game where Arkansas held us to -1,000 yards rushing?  


    Oh, I know what, you have confused the '00 season as part of the late 90s where OU asswhipped us 63-14.   No, wait..   You meant 2001 where we roughed the CU punter and fucked away the Big XII championship.   Nope?   How about the 2003 season where OU beat us by 52 fucking points and Wazzu handed us our asses because they "unfairly" blitzed in a bowl game.


    Revise all you want.   Mackovic might have fucked up by ignoring Breews.  But Mack stole millions of dollars from all of us. 

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