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Everything posted by Macanudo

  1. That Trump tweet/whatever has to be fake. Too coherent.
  2. Remind? More like is a Surly poster.
  3. If I had a nickel for everytime I didn't have a warrant and yet didnt know that...
  4. She's got a pulse and she is breathing?
  5. I would pay money to watch Inchworm look through whatever data he mined. At some point there has to be a "What the fuck?" moment.
  6. Should have gone with Nowhere to Run by Martha and the Vandellas.
  7. Does that make you nervous or just more enthusiastic and diligent about your work?
  8. The Blue Angels doc is kind of cheesy overall but it's still jets going fast and doing stupid things. Plus, Doc would get it.
  9. Nope, not even the Commanche really wanted it.
  10. Fuck man, leave something for next time. Just kidding but that sounds like a great trip even if it was a whirlwind.
  11. Fun news/bad news... Fun, I shot a full auto and suppressed B&T APC9 the other day. That was a lot of fun. Put a 100 rounds through it. Bad, I sent my Banshee back to CMMG for a tuneup. It was stovepiping a lot. Gunsmith at my range said it's overgassed and tolerances were kind of shitty. Hoping CMMG can fix it.
  12. Should be plenty of birds. And no daily limit.
  13. I vote for Talivangelicals.
  14. 90 days ago, I didn't own a gun. Today I bought some green tip 5.56 and hollow point 9mm ammo.
  15. Grover Cleveland's claim to fame is coming to an end.
  16. How much ammo should I buy at Academy tomorrow? Kind of leaning toward all of it. Even in calibers I don't have a weapon chambered in.
  17. Their parents self them off as slaves. Duh.
  18. Eliminating no fault divorce is such a fucked up thing to do. Instead of allowing parents to possibly separate in a relatively amicable way let's make them fight and claw at each other to create an even more adversarial situation. Even more kids then become chattel in fucked up custody battles and parents hate each other even more so with ugliness filtering down to the kids relationships with the parents. Gee, great idea.
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