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Everything posted by Macanudo

  1. And now we're fairly friendly trading partners.
  2. It's a Soviet MIRV-6 from an SS-22N launch vehicle. The warhead contains 14.5 kilograms of enriched uranium and a plutonium trigger. The nominal yield is 30 kilotons.
  3. This is kind of off topic related to private gun ownership but is realted to guns... I realize this is sort of an out of date question but I am curious what people think about the Sig M7 as a front line replacement for the M4. I understand the idea behind it; more modularity and the ability to pop through body armor better than 5.56 or 7.62 rounds. But as I understand it, the plan would be to issue these to combat trooops while others in the rear would still field the M4. 1. That means two types of small arms ammo have to be transported in bulk. That was already being done with 5.56/7.62 for the M4/249 and 240s so this isn't a new issue but it still seems like a logistical issue. 2. Is NATO going to be adopting the M7 as well? Granted, depending on the future and U.S. politics, we might not even be in NATO but isn't this also a huge logistics nightmare? 3. This is an Army contract and the Marines could adopt the weapon but there's no current plan that I know of. So there's another logistical issue. Thoughts?
  4. Yeah, I read about those two earlier. Daleiden in particular is a piece of work.
  5. I do still watch football. I enjoy the game but the wear and tear on the players can be tough to watch especially the brain trauma later in live.
  6. Well, he has trouble with the curve.
  7. I know some around here like the UFC but I just see that whole crowd as mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging GQP assholes. I personally don't care for UFC or Boxing and even question liking football. The gladiator aspect of it is sad.
  8. Exactly. The BMDs care about power and profit. They don't give a shit about the rule of law.
  9. I'm curious why you say "I couldn't wait to hear what he did without Mike Scott." I don't know much about their relationship other than Scott seems to be a bit electic and seems to have played with a shit ton of people in his band.
  10. Mace also clammed up on 1/6 after George asked her about her comments back then. Her "my constituents have moved on" was so on point. They don't care so why should she. Rule of law be damned.
  11. When is someone going to raise holy hell about how all of these suits get brought to court in Lubbock/Amarillo? We know why (friendly GQP judges) but why is the AG of the State of Texas, whose office in Austin, not being casitgated about this in the press? Wait, never mind. The press sucks.
  12. Just your run of the mill normal GOP activity. Other state's nimrods just hide it better.
  13. And then he'll become President of the United States.
  14. I'm glad they clarified that. I mean, we all know how often their airport is attacked.
  15. You and your Esso station fascination. Hey, that would make a great band name... Esso Station Fascination. Can't decide if it should be an emo goth punk band or an edm dark wave rave DJ.
  16. You might want to pet him first or ask permission.
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