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Everything posted by Macanudo

  1. We're still dealing with inflation because of Covid and yet some giant upheaval is going to be overcome in 2 years?
  2. So he's not just an asshole but also a Hair Club for Men client?
  3. Because Boomers (and older Gen Xers) mortality has finally sunk in on them.
  4. I have to replace my Green Mountain Davy Crockett. I got a good 6 years out of it but it's just done. Overall it was a good grill and did everything pretty well. I smoked a shit ton of ribs and briskets on it while also doing a good job on burgers, chicken and steaks. My one beef (other than it wearing out faster than it should have) was the power cord/source. The cord attached to the grill via an old school plug like a cigarette lighter in a car from the 80s. That was one of the big issues the last few years as the connector was finicky. I'm looking to keep the price under $800-1000. Someone tell me why I don't just go to Academy and get a Pit Boss.
  5. The problem is that they've been fed a steady diet of "Liberals are coming for your cheeseburgers" by Fox News for so long that they don't beleive the shit coming out of RFK and Trump's mouths.
  6. The trials have been delayed nearly 3.5 years. There is no sane reason this shouldn't have gone to trial already. And spare me "due process." This has been criminally slow.
  7. Well, that'll just about cover fly-bys.
  8. Yes, I knew where the real base was/is. And some of that makes snese but still...
  9. The best part about that thought is if she's got any Iberian heritage, there's a reasonble chance that she has some Moor is in her. Hell, she's probably had some Moor in her recently.
  10. My beef with Indy and U-Boat... 1. Why transport it on a U-Boat? They aren't exactly cargo friendly. The one reason I can see for it was that it made for good cinematography. The scene coming into the U-Boat pen is impressive. But outside of France and Germany I don't think anyone in the Med (Italy and Greece specifically) had a base like that. 2. The U-Boat wouldn't needed to submerge for the trip. It would have made better speed up top versus submerged (roughly 17 knots versus 7.) That's a drastic difference plus this wasn't war time, no one outside of the Germans and Indy knew they had the Ark and there was no danger of encountering hostile warships because the Germans WEREN'T at freaking war.
  11. Two of your snot nosed jockies did a fly by of my tower at over 400 knots. I want somebodies butt. I want it now. I've had. Goddam it! That's twice.
  12. The SEC Network commercial with Lenny Kravitz's Fly Away playing. Holy shit, that's a beating. I had the volume down but it was still annoying.
  13. Eh, Vandy is a darling. They really aren't too bad.
  14. Fucking A Quinn you can't take a sack there.
  15. I love seeing tricked out trucks like this. It tells me their IQ is double digits and they have Trump like penis.
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