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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Ok I take that back, that was a nice ass throw
  2. Fortunately for them, neither is FAU's
  3. School populated exclusively by elmo's bastard kids Not sure what that says about @Brisketexan and/or his buddy
  4. Kinda feels like FAU got hosed even though I guess that's technically the correct sequence of events?
  5. Yeah I thought their run blocking has been real bad but it's only been a few plays I guess.
  6. Our first totally unnecessary and time consuming replay of the day e: lol
  7. How is spiking the ball like that not an immediate unsportsmanlike lmao
  8. They're favored by 31.5 so if they don't cover they suck, that's how sports works
  9. Army sucks but that game doesn't deserve a thread
  10. I mean it's not really even close. Hurley shows promise but the longevity isn't there yet.
  11. They're going to get sued big time for that. You can't make an ideological choice a protected class.
  12. It's honestly pathetic. You're so unbelievably earnest about defending him solely because you spent the money and no amount of evidence can crack that dumbass egg.
  13. I'm just using the word export as an umbrella term to cover instances in which we are complicit in genocide, terrorism, etc. There are plenty of examples out there and I know you probably know most or all of them. I don't think quibbling about the definition of genocide is useful at all. We didn't commit genocide in Iraq by the UN definition, but a million fucking people still died. I doubt they care if it was technically genocide or not.
  14. Except that isn't what I said. When I refer to them as exports, it seems like everyone else understood I was talking about past/current instances where we have provided support for groups that were actively committing acts of terror and/or genocide or where our actions directly led to those acts occurring.
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