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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Always interesting to see what you're willing to engage with. Human rights abuses? Netanyahu's shitty conduct? Certainly not. Anyone you can scold while hiding behind legal technicalities? That's your jam! Here's my counter point: Who gives a fuck? Ignoring the fact that it doesn't matter even a little bit that they protested the day before, they were clearly doing it in response to Netanyahu's forthcoming speech before Congress, in addition to their ongoing protest against the genocide. Really weird argument to make, I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make besides trying to be a debatelord. Aha, they were there the day BEFORE, so clearly it had NOTHING to do with Bibi! Points for me!!! As to the rest, I can tell you right now, as a person with a functioning brain that does not equate legality with morality, that I don't give a single fuck about an arbitrary rule that was deliberately made policy by the Capitol Police in order to circumvent the first amendment and neither should you. Shouting "b-b-b-b-b-but they're breaking the law" is not, and never has been, a compelling argument against peaceful protest. Unless you're a bootlicker, I suppose. On the contrary, civil disobedience is, in fact, the only effective way to protest. The laws/rules/policies in place that tell you when, where, and how you are allowed to protest are largely designed to minimize the impact and visibility of your protest, not to actually protect anyone. That said, do I agree that you're an asshole if you block a road where hard working people are just trying to get to work and survive? Of course. Are you an asshole if you vandalize public or private property to try and get your message across? Definitely. Are you an asshole if sit down in the middle of the capitol rotunda and peacefully protest? Abso-fucking-lutely not. In fact, you should keep doing it (as JVP has been) and tell them to suck your fucking dick every time they arrest you for it.
  2. I understand your position and thanks for the reply. It actually sounds like my approach to poker (not being results oriented but trying to make the correct decisions in any given situation). I totally agree there are too many people that don't understand the assignment, mostly students with their hearts in the right place, but not sufficiently educated or experienced to understand how to actually advance the cause instead of just rubbing shit in people's faces when they disagree with you. There's a fine line between making people uncomfortable (which any effective protest must do) and just pissing them off so they close their minds to what you're saying, for sure. On that note, I'm certainly guilty myself of being overly aggressive on this topic at times, but mostly I just get enraged when I see people post shit from right wing rage bait accounts and just smile and nod, especially when it's a poster (like tx 3 putt) that I consider otherwise excellent and level headed. The same applies to the OSINT propaganda dorks. It's the same reason that I will immediately shit all over PRONG HORN when he posts in this thread, because he'll post some absolute dogshit agitprop from Ian Miles Cheong or some other reactionary dipshit and instead of getting absolutely barbecued by the board at large like he would in any other thread (that's not in the DT), it's always just crickets because looking the other way regarding Israel is the default position in this country. Personally, the fact that Bibi can just waltz into to our country and scold Congress on national TV because the president or whomever tells him he needs to dial the violence back or no more weapons is incredibly insulting to me. The fact that we subsequently arrested hundreds of people for protesting at the capital while he was speaking (most of whom were protesting peacefully with Jewish Voice for Peace) is absolutely unconscionable to me and yet it can't be discussed in here at all because no one will engage the topic. It's just drive by tweets and nothing else.
  3. Actually kind of brutal for Trump. Lots of people in the Rogan sphere that will just vote for whoever Rogan says he's voting for.
  4. Getting an expired certificate notice when I navigate to the site. I'm sure you're aware but yeah.
  5. I agree with @bolverk's response to this, but I'll add that I find it pretty damned amusing that you have all kinds of smoke for this utterly irrelevant and entirely toothless group of dumb students, and nothing but crickets for the human rights abuses that the IDF is perpetrating, with full throated support (and threats of toppling the government if it were to stop) from certain prominent Israeli politicians. I know that you've since walked back your position that those of us that speak up for Palestinians and criticize the actions of the Israeli government are just antisemites in disguise, and I do thank you for that, but maybe you should reconsider your approach to this topic if you continue to find yourself on the same side as the worldwide reactionary right, and have nothing else to add but drive by shitposts whenever someone posts a tweet from a right-wing rage bait account. It's amazing how this particular subject turns people like him, otherwise great posters, into barely coherent reactionaries. He's not going to respond because he never does when called out (refusing to defend your positions in any way also being a common reactionary tactic), but yeah.
  6. Code switching is basically a requirement to be a lawyer tbh
  7. It's one of the things that led to the GOP trying to get rid of Trump. It didn't work, because Ron DeSantis has the charisma and likeability of a kidney stone, but it was one of his bigger faux pas. More importantly, it's a very easy thing to attack with campaign ads.
  8. Hell, maybe you're right, but it's not like the GOP is above blatant hypocrisy in their messaging. There will be plenty of veiled antisemitic stuff in there, too, that will land hard with the base, but I guess won't bring many (or any) new votes in. Like I said before, nothing he is done is nearly bad enough to make me not want to vote D in November. It's enough to make me side eye him pretty hard, but not much more than that.
  9. Please. It's not the end of the world, he's just a candidate that's much easier for the GOP to message against, and there's no guarantee he would move the needle at all as the VP pick vs. just staying PA governor and showing his support there.
  10. You're such an unbelievable pussy. How do you get this ass blasted about someone making fun of 3 complete losers that don't know or care who you are? It's hilarious when you constantly claim that you're not a GOP dickrider and then you act like a 10 year old when someone makes fun of the party in a way that hits home.
  11. Adin Ross: From Andrew Tate to Platforming White Supremacists (rollingstone.com) He started out as just a normal dumb guy that played NBA 2K on stream but he has had too many controversies to list here and they have gotten progressively worse and worse. He got permabanned for Twitch for showing off all the unmoderated hate speech that was going on in his Kick chat, plus being blatantly homophobic, transphobic etc. on his Twitch livestreams. e: This is ostensibly a huge gift for any media outlet to rip Trump to shreds, like he got clapped for having dinner with Nick Fuentes. I don't know if they'll take it, but it's there for the plucking.
  12. Gonna need to hear more from that one guy about how great a candidate Shapiro is.
  13. If you knew all about Adin Ross, which I as a terminally online person sadly do, this is the least surprising thing he's ever done. e: This is about as dumb and bad a thing for Trump to do as having dinner with Nick Fuentes. Except this one is way more public.
  14. Yeah his support for that shit is incredibly worrying to me.
  15. I still think it's Beshear... He makes way to much sense... and talk of Shapiro / Walz just throwing things off.
  16. Yeah Rex's rich friends are even MORE out on Surly now.
  17. Alys Rivers showed Daemon the Song of Ice and Fire, it's the basis for the whole GoT universe and the same vision that led to House Targaryen leaving Old Valyria and Aegon's Conquest, and the same story that Viserys told to Rhaenyra. If you're talking about Aemond and Helaena and not Daemon....I'm not sure what you're talking about tbh.
  18. She's obviously not Varys, but I feel like you're letting recency bias creep in because she hasn't done anything but yap at Rhaenyra this season. She was great in S1, not a dull scene where she was involved. S2 is nothing but dull scenes for her. A real waste of potential.
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