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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Also, I won't talk about my family beyond the fact that they exist (ostensibly, in some cases). It's not personal.
  2. What are my true feelings? Let's hear it.
  3. Okay, got it. I thought you were just being intentionally dense, but you're actually just blindingly stupid. e: This is your hero, btw, @DDD Dad
  4. Here's my shocked face: You don't think it's important to understand the motivations of your enemy? I try to understand Hamas' motivations as the enemy as much as I try to understand the Israeli government's as the ally. As much as I despise Netanyahu, he's not a stupid man, he knows that he is offering terms that the enemy can never accept. He also knows that the most extreme members of his coalition (a la Bezalel Smotrich, Itamar Ben-Gvir,, etc) have openly declared that they will bring his government down from the inside if a ceasefire agreement is ever reached. He is staring down the double barrel threats of the extremists within his government, and the three outstanding criminal cases within Israeli courts that he will face once and very likely go to prison once he is no longer in power. It is completely crazy to dismiss what we know to be true right in front of our eyes when analyzing the situation. I literally cannot fathom why you and others around here continually dismiss Netanyahu's darker motivations and the multiple Swords of Damocles that hang over his head as if they are irrelevant to the moves he makes in this war. Listen up you stupid mother fucker, I have family and friends within Israel, and family within both Gaza and the West Bank. My beef is, and always has been, with the Israeli government, the more extreme elements of the population (i.e. the settlers), and the extreme elements within the Palestinian population. I have mentioned this multiple times in this thread, and also talked about how the safety and well-being of the Israeli people is just as important to me as the safety and well-being of Palestinians. With this stupid fucking comment, you betray the fact that everything you say on this topic is backed by nothing more than childish and shallow emotion. I have motherfucking skins in the game, bitch, what do you have? This is NOT what I'm saying, and if you were capable of analyzing any situation or anyone's motivations beyond the superficial, you would understand that. Fucking OBVIOUSLY Hamas is a bad actor here as well, that goes without saying, and everyone here fucking knows that you imbecile. What I was saying was that many, many people now consider Netanyahu's negotiations to be purposefully irrational in order to obstruct any possibility of a ceasefire so the war can continue indefinitely (as described above). He is essentially offering Hamas terms that effectively boil down to "release the hostages and then kill yourself." Yeah, that would be great if it happened, but no one on Earth would ever accept those terms, and Bibi knows that.
  5. I know you're joking but he started a thread here titled "Trump! Deal with it! Four more years!" or something like that. e: Well before all the votes were counted, because Republicans are fucking stupid.
  6. Which one was the guy that did the premature celebration in 2020 and got clowned on so hard he had @immamac delete his account and all his posts?
  7. It's so telling that you think this is a bad word, and how you think that the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others is a bad thing. It's even funnier because what I'm actually doing is empathizing with Israelis, you absolute moron. It's so funny how you twist yourself into knots trying to repeatedly claim that I am a terrorist sympathizer while trying to cover your ass and claim that you're TOTALLY not doing that. Yes, I am blaming Bibi, as are many, many others, including many "idiots" (according to you) in Israel's population and government. There is a mountain of evidence that suggests he is the obstructionist here, despite whatever claims he makes to the media. I have to admit, I did not expect you to die on the sword for a man who views our government as his personal piggybank and tool to use at his disposal, but here we are.
  8. Facts. Who is saying Hamas is the reasonable actor here? No one here is going to disagree with what you're saying here. It's the people within Israel and the families of the hostages that think Bibi is purposefully obstructing the deal. That notion didn't come out of thin air. That's why we're seeing massive protests within Israel right now plus the Jewish Voice for Peace protest, etc. It's not American Libruls or whatever other bogeyman you're making up in your head.
  9. The protestors in Israel are literally protesting the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of his negotiations. If you read the Haaretz article I linked, the perception within Israel is that Netanyahu continually torpedoes these negotiations for his own personal gain. I'm not sure how you glean that somehow this is about him as a person and not about his "negotiation goals". The snag we're hitting here is that Netanyahu's "negotiation" basically boils down to demanding that Hamas hand over all hostages, and then kill itself. Of course, that would be fantastic for all involved, but it's entirely unrealistic because no one would ever agree to those terms. It's so insanely irrational as to be intentionally obstructive, which is why the families of the hostages, and many many more within Israel, think that he's simply stalling for personal gain. Again, this all circles back around to the fact that Bibi needs to stay in power to stay out of prison. It's an inarguable fact that people continue to try and ignore for reasons that I cannot fathom, as if it's not incredibly relevant to how he handles this war.
  10. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-07-27/ty-article/.premium/hostages-families-say-netanyahu-is-deliberately-obstructing-release-deal/00000190-f4ff-dda7-a9f7-f7ff6a350000 https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-07-26/ty-article/.premium/senior-israeli-negotiator-says-netanyahu-knowingly-creating-crisis-in-cease-fire-talks/00000190-ef5c-dda7-a9f7-ef7f7b210000 Yeah totally, guy, what he's doing is super popular in Israel right now. There totally aren't massive protests going on in Israel on a daily basis demanding he stop obstructing the ceasefire deals or demanding new elections to get him out of office. https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2024/07/25/thousands-shut-down-the-capitol-to-protest-israels-genocide/ There totally wasn't a massive protest, organized by Jewish Voice for Peace, in our own capitol consisting of thousands of Jews, Israelis, and even family members of the hostages when Netanyahu was speaking before Congress. Seriously, how do you have your head stuck so far up your own ass? e: Please tell me how antisemitic these protestors are, as well, I'm eager to hear it.
  11. "I'm not owned!!!!!" - Rex, as he cries about rep. How slorch of you.
  12. What's wrong about what I said? Are these events not taking place? Would the collapse of the Israeli government not be a disaster for them?
  13. This is true, and Walz is also already effective at combating MAGA without being the VP pick.
  14. In a vacuum you could certainly make that argument, and those exisential threats are real, but the current status is the far-right elements within Israel's government are literally trying to tear it apart, right now. Major government elements (i.e. the defense minister and national security minister) are being openly hostile to each other. Their national security minister is very likely to have gone rogue. If the government collapses, they are completely fucked. On all fronts. It is objectively the most severe and immediate threat considering the events that are currently taking place.
  15. I hope it's Walz. I'd be okay with Bashear, though, he seems to have a ton of political acumen as well.
  16. I can't decide which is funnier, Rex stamping his foot and refusing to read words so he can continue to pretend he's not owned, or @statsman literally being unable to have a conversation about this topic because he gets his ass handed to him in every discussion, so he's reduced to drive by negging and refusing to comment.
  17. FWIW, I also disagree a little bit with @wildcat09 here. The Israeli far-right is it's most dire existential threat, but it does have others. The question is of severity. The Israeli far-right is literally threatening, right now as we speak, to tear the country apart from the inside. The boiling point has been reached. Whatever outside threats they have, Iran etc, are of less immediate concern, which is how serious the situation is.
  18. Lulz. You and @statsman are both fucking cowards, man. It's sad. You're right, I just enjoy making fun of them.
  19. Do you disagree that the Israeli far-right is a serious danger to their stability as a country? They literally just had far-right mobs storm two different military bases, encouraged by some members of the Knessit, in response to the arrests of some IDF soldiers for raping Palestinian detainees. https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/what-happened-at-israeli-detention-centre-israeli-far-right-mobs-storm-idf-base-in-riots-bordering-on-anarchy-u735wwl1 There is strong reason to believe Itamar Ben-Gvir purposefully delayed the police response, the Israeli defense minister is demanding an investigation. Ben-Gvir is their fucking national security minister. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-07-30/ty-article/.premium/gallant-to-netanyahu-probe-ben-gvirs-role-in-delayed-response-to-riots-at-idf-bases/00000191-0386-df85-a399-eb96270e0000 @statsman you got something to say too, bitch? Speak up.
  20. Come on @Rex Kramer, don't be a pussy. Spit it out.
  21. Care to elaborate, or are you just shitposting again?
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