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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Put me on ignore then, pussy, you won't
  2. Let him cook he's dropping that deep insider knowledge. And totally not trying to do a weird flex.
  3. I'm gonna need to hear from Andy Ngo or whatever dumbass Twitter source Prong Horn wants to cite before I form an opinion.
  4. Do you ever get tired of fighting the strawmen in your head?
  5. Presumably you are a person that pays taxes and is generally a productive member of society as opposed to some large conglomerate that only exists to suck value out of society.
  6. Yeah, this is a big part of why it's all impossible to quantify. At least on Earth, species evolve to a level of intelligence that their circumstances demand. Dolphins, orcas, etc. don't need to be any smarter than they are. They certainly have advanced communication within their species with complex language/dialects, complex social structures, empathy, etc, but their morphology disallows tool usage, so there's no reason for them to evolve to be able to develop technology to augment that. As our ancestors started using tools, our brains started growing so we could develop more complex tools to solve increasingly complex problems, our children were consequently born with larger brains, which resulted in them being more and more helpless, which required increasingly complex social order.....and this evolutionary feedback loop resulted in a space-faring civilization. It's such an interesting "accident" of evolution to think about. There are numerous species on Earth now that aren't humans that have learned to use tools;, but the most advanced would probably be chimps, and they're barely beginning to use tools from an evolutionary standpoint. There's certainly potential for them and other species to eventually develop along a similar path as humans, but such processes occur on time scales that are impossible for humans to wrap our minds around.
  7. Itt dude that wants to melt homeless people into biomatter hand wringing over tribal people jarking off to stepsister porn *double checks* yep this is the Internet
  8. \ Meanwhile our school teachers are paying for supplies out of their own pockets but anywho...
  9. Any attempt to quantify would obviously be almost entirely guesswork. Given the near infinite number of opportunities life would have to arise elsewhere in the universe, it seems extremely unlikely that Earth is the only place that it has occurred. It's estimated that there are what, 10^24 stars in the universe? At it's most basic, the probability of only one of those stars harboring life is basically nil. However, given the number of variables, the odds would certainly even out quite a bit, and there would be other things to factor in like how many of those hypothetical lifeforms actually evolve to be intelligent, how close are they to us, would we even recognize them as life and vice versa, would we even be able to detect each other given the differences in technology and perception, the list goes on and on and on. It's nothing more than a fun thing to think about, really.
  10. Yeah I can't imagine how someone can be this absolutist about this murky a topic. I understand from a probability standpoint alone it's just about utterly impossible that we're alone in the universe as intelligent life, but the probability that extraterrestrial life has visited earth is an entirely different animal and that kind of secret would be unfathomably difficult to keep quiet.
  11. Yeah it's super weird that the people he made up in his head don't actually exist. Actually, I guess that's normal for him.
  12. Would have liked to see him catch a murder charge conviction, but manslaughter is probably technically the correct finding. Just sucks he won't rot in prison for life. Hopefully someone ends him. e: wording
  13. They're welcome to fight whatever wars they wish to, it'd just be nice if they stopped doing it with my money.
  14. Biden is an old school Zionist and Trump is a Zionist because his base demands it. Some would say there is functionally no difference in these, but they're wrong. Biden at least seems to have been restraining Israel to the best of his ability, Trump would be infinitely worse for the people of Palestine.
  15. Here's my shocked face:
  16. Yeah I mean that was kind of my point. I don't really get why people try say this conflict is so complex and ancient (I mean, I do, it's a way to not have to think about it too critically, but that's another discussion). It's about as straightforward a geopolitical conflict as there is. Israel wants the land. Hamas gave Israel an excuse to take it in a more direct and expedient way than they've been taking land in the West Bank.
  17. Homeboy over here having weird rape fantasies about protestors lmao
  18. UT is going to be become Abbott's mouthpiece for right-wing extremism. No one takes aggy seriously, so this is the route they're taking.
  19. I'm aware of what he's referring to. It's pretty absurd to claim that those historical nuances are driving the current conflict. It's incredibly lazy.
  20. How in the blue fuck has Israel been in conflict with anyone for thousands of years when it has existed for 76 years? This is a geopolitical conflict that goes back decades, it is not a religious conflict that goes back millennia. You are fucking insane. e: Seriously, the most hardliner Israelis don't even make this claim. Literally the only people that even try to claim this are American Zionists.
  21. It's really not. This is just a lame ass excuse to avoid discussing the realities of the situation.
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