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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Judging by his previous posts on the subject: yes Never forget, Palestinians are orcs, not people
  2. Keep in mind you're arguing with a guy who, completely seriously, told immamac that his rich friends won't donate to UT's NIL because the CR is too toxic. This is not a serious person.
  3. You are now antisemitic and so is your commie daughter, expect your badges in 3-5 business days.
  4. You should always break rules and resist arrest Rules are for nerds and fuck cops
  5. I eat cobbler without ice cream all the time, fuck you Brisket
  6. Wait, what? You understand that Sol and the Jedi already almost certainly covered up a horrific act against Osha and Mae's family, right? They hinted at his inner darkness and that he's been hiding something like a dozen times in this episode, not to mention all the foreshadowing for it already in this show. And right now, he is the only Jedi that even knows about what happened in this episode. This is like saying there can't be any bad cops because the good cops would turn them in. e: Also what @bolverk is absolutely correct, and the Jedi don't have to be evil to do any of that, just weak and afraid. Hell, their weakness and fear ultimately lead to them getting nearly wiped out by Sidious. That's basically the main plot point of the prequels.
  7. My thoughts after last episode were basically "So....he has to kill them all right?" At least, that's the way it canonically made sense to me. I suppose, since Sol is the only Jedi that made it out alive, it's still possible the Jedi in this era never find out what really happened on this planet, or they don't believe Sol when he says Sith were involved, etc etc. It feels like they kind of wrote themselves into a corner here. As far as the dark side guy goes, I figured it would be him but it's pretty obvious he isn't the master. I'd bet a large sum that he's an apprentice, and that whoever his master is won't be happy with him revealing himself. I'm also not entirely convinced he's actually a Sith. He never actually called himself a Sith, he said the Jedi would call him a Sith.
  8. He's clearly an apprentice and not a very good one
  9. Anyone else playing the DLC? It's pretty sick
  10. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-military-tie-palestine-jeep-west-bank-gaza-b2567270.html Need the IDF defenders to log in
  11. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-military-tie-palestine-jeep-west-bank-gaza-b2567270.html Normal shit from troops that should definitely be where they are.
  12. I think this is an important point to remember when people complain about inconsistencies between the book and the show, for example the level of brutality of Blood & Cheese. The brutality described in the book is coming from a history text written by a single maester, entirely based on secondhand information provided by the Hightowers and almost certainly greatly exaggerated in order to portray Rhaenyra in the most negative light possible. Basically, the book is an unreliable narrative and the show is trying to portray how things really went down. At least that's my interpretation.
  13. Yeah, that's what I fuckin' thought. Pussy.
  14. I am still trying to figure out what you're trying to ask me. Also, it's not my fault if you started reading this thread a month ago or whatever and can't be bothered to read the pages and pages and pages of discussions that have been had over the last 8 months. I don't blame you, necessarily, but I'm also not going to repeat myself ad nauseum when we already played the Do You Condemn game for like 4 months straight when this latest conflict started.
  15. It's hard to directly root for him, because he is a complete monster with absolute power, but it's also hard not to feel sorry for him at least. Mainly because his psychological damage was manufactured by those who sought to control him rather than nurture him. I will admit that I was rooting for him to kill everyone in that room and I wasn't disappointed.
  16. What? Are you crazy? What are you even asking?
  17. Do you even know what point you're trying to make or are you just looking for another shitty gotcha? Are we back to playing the Do You Condemn game again? What does this have to do with what I actually said in my post? Did my post say Hezbollah and Hamas were good? Really think about what you're trying to say to me instead of just seeing a "war bad" post and then vomiting out pro-Israeli talking points that don't actually have a fucking thing to do with what I posted. I've said this plenty of times before, but Israel is more than welcome to wage whatever wars they'd like. It'd be nice if they weren't fully endorsed and paid for by the US government, by our tax dollars. You want to level Rafah? Fine, do it without our bombs or money. Want to wage war on two other fronts in Iran and Lebanon? Fine, do it without our bombs or money.
  18. Yeah this'll end well for everyone involved for sure. Israel doesn't have the money or the munitions to sustain a conflct just in Gaza, let alone a war on 3 separate fronts, at least. Which means we will be funding their war almost entirely. Love to see my tax dollars spent to start a 3rd world war.
  19. That episode was pretty damn good
  20. Idk why you're even trying. His next move is shooting up a school or some shit. He's beyond help.
  21. Always great when someone links an Ian Miles Cheong tweet as if it's some kind of mic drop. Dude unironically links neo-Nazi shit in the Palestine threads almost daily without even a shred of self awareness, it's remarkable.
  22. Oh come on, don't be a pussy. No one is saying they should even lose their jobs. But they demonstrably violated both the law and this dude's constitutional rights and should see at least some repercussions for it, even if it's just a censure in their record.
  23. My man, you need to think about what you're saying. If there's any entity in America you need to be extremely vigilant about protecting ALL of your rights with, it's the police. Not only that, but he was FAR more helpful than he should have been. It wasn't his building, even answering the door was a big mistake. Letting them in and allowing them to search was far beyond the pale of how helpful he ever should have been in that circumstance. Don't ask me, ask the guy who does the videos. That channel has reviewed literally thousands of police encounters, is almost always deferential to the police, and very rarely gives the police an F grade. Like, seriously, the COPS are the ones breaking the law here and you're still hung up on what the guy should have done. That should give you a clue that your perspective is warped in the wrong direction.
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