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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. It's really not. This is just a lame ass excuse to avoid discussing the realities of the situation.
  2. Nah fuck that he doesn't get a pass. He's just another one of those Trump dickriders that's just now hopping off as it's becoming too inconvenient to be a Trump supporter. Dude was on his train from day 1 until now.
  3. Haha he can't even address the salient points. Just sticks his dumbfuck head in the ground. I love this site.
  4. Damn he's really hitting all the neo-Nazi notes today
  5. Yeah sure: History will remember it as a genocide. Your move, Magnus.
  6. You literally are the dumbest person that posts on this site, and we have Rex.
  7. Go thread the "war" thread in the DT if you want an answer to this. There are still bucketfuls of morons that will support Israel's actions no matter what they do. Also, Biden has never been anything but a staunch supporter of Israel. Despite the many things he's done right in his term, this is one of the things that he objectively sucks real bad at and it's legitimately harming him politically. This is, at best, a massive load of noodle-brained nonsense (ESPECIALLY point #2), and at worst, direct genocide denial and rationalization. You have absolutely zero clue what you're talking about, please stop.
  8. Anything to distract from the latest slaughter, I guess. All pretense on that front was summarily dropped after some token outrage about the WCK killings.
  9. There are other countries?
  10. Yeah I fucking wonder why Ireland would be rigidly anti-colonial.
  11. Yes, I've said it many, many times at this point, but the argument that this is a religious blood feud going back thousands of years is just another way for the Western world to abdicate its responsibility for its historic oppression and brutality towards Jews, and to attempt to force the Palestinian people to shoulder that burden for the rest of the world.
  12. How did we get stuck with the one guy who could conceivably lose to Trump at this point
  13. Your average 6th grader today has a better understanding of history. I legit cannot fathom how some people come to these conclusions.
  14. The dogs over humans sentiment is such an easy one to understand if you're not a sociopath, too, which is why it's so hilarious when people like him react like this. They can't recognize that normal people project a similar level of innocence on their pets as they do their own human children, and therefore the protective instinct that results is just as strong if not stronger, depending on the person. A sociopath's brain literally just can't compute why another human would value that dog's life over the cop that killed it, because the cop represents them (as a human), and nothing is above them.
  15. Brian Fantana


    Rex's friends HATE this
  16. Cops lie and a surly poster laps it up? Say it ain't so.
  17. Post tribute, sing kumbaya, give your thoughts and prayers, and fuck right off back to not caring or doing a god damn thing about it. America!
  18. Ok, and how do you think he does that? Without a perpetual enemy he has no power.
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