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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Lex is a fucking dog shit interviewer on any topic that's not engineering related. What a pussy. I don't get why anyone likes his podcast. He's the most boring kind of nerd there is.
  2. Brian Fantana


    Nick Fuentes has some absolute bangers. Really makes me feel better about myself.
  3. Way too late, considering a large chunk of the population is in imminent danger of actual famine, but it's a start I guess.
  4. They say "only" but knee sprains fucking suck man. I am dealing with one right now and walking in a knee brace. The pain and general feeling of instability got so bad a week or so ago I had to go to the ER and get an MRI to make sure I didn't tear my meniscus or something. He's a young D1 athlete though so he's prob fine.
  5. Generally if opposing fans hate playing in your building, it means you're doing something right. If your arena is full of a bunch of bluehairs that wanna sit down and clap the whole game, you might get fans that say "oh such and such team's fans are so nice!" but that's not really where you want to be. There's always the risk of fans taking it too far like what we saw in Lubbock once this year, but I'll take the risk of a classless fan or two crossing the line if it means your arena is a tough place to play.
  6. Y'all have to let go of Boynton at this point. GIA used to be poppin, there's no reason it can't be again. I figured OSU fans still care about basketball enough to make a stink about this to the admin, no?
  7. Yeah I try to tell my IRL friends when we watch games that there are no conference refs all the time and it's just in one ear and out the other.
  8. There was a part in there I forgot to add even though I had it in my brain, that those kinds of atmospheres maybe cause the refs to choke a little and make more mistakes than they maybe usually would. I'm not trying to pick on Texas fans too hard here because Tech fans post some pretty cringe stuff about refs too on other boards sometimes but it's nowhere near as frequent.
  9. The bitching about the refs gets so tired. Mostly it comes from fans from schools that don't have good basketball atmospheres. The Hilton boo birds are real and kinda annoying but the idea they're intimidating refs into making bad calls or non calls is laughable. Refs miss shit all the time and college basketball is a very hard sport to ref at the end of the day. It happens to everyone and it's so subjective most of the time that it's silly to argue about. The people around here that cry the most about some mythical ref conspiracy against their team are at least entertaining I guess but it does get old. The funniest part is when they think it's going to get better in the SEC.
  10. Not gonna lie the way you worded this sounds completely made up (not saying you did but lol)
  11. Yeah, BYU has made some abysmally stupid plays over the last 2 minutes. Whining about the refs is laughable.
  12. I respect the hell out of building for how tough it is to play there, and the fans are what drive it. They bitch and moan about the refs as much or more than the posters on this board and that's a monumental achievement.
  13. Sampson picked a damn good year to have maybe his best team yet.
  14. There's probably a non-zero percentage of posters on this site that still believe that lie.
  15. There's no paint to save, the body is stainless steel and unpainted. I can see throwing a vinyl wrap on it to make it look a little better, though.
  16. Not really a fair comparison considering my dad could do a better job than Galindo, and he's dead. I intentionally left out LHN announcers when I made my "worst announcers in all of sports" comment because it's too niche to really be counted in that conversation. Again, this is just cope. He glazes up every team, player, and coach he's announcing for. Just because he's not glazing up UT as much as you'd like at this moment in time doesn't make him a hack. Dykes is Dick Vitale if you remove half his brain. If I wanted to listen to a double digit IQer rant about how the winning team sucks and will get bounced from the tourney in round 1, I'll go to my uncle's house.
  17. Yeah I mean he has dumb old white guy opinions, it is what it is. I just find it weird that you're going all grass is greener over someone who is literally one of the worst announcers in sports.
  18. "Agreed but I'm still gonna vote for him!"
  19. I'm not the biggest fan of Fran either but Dykes is so so much worse. I think sometimes Fran just makes people's Ref Derangement Sydnrome worse. He tries to tell it like it is, and usually succeeds but he is also regularly overly charitable. In his defense, he's overly charitable towards pretty much everyone and everything.
  20. (Sorry that was supposed to be a joke but it just didn't form in my brain I guess)
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