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Brian Fantana

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Everything posted by Brian Fantana

  1. Love that the guy that totally isn't an Elon stan negged this post
  2. Kentucky crashing out lmao Gutty win by Texas
  3. No fuckin way lmao
  4. This is why I don't fuck with Nate Oats as a coach. All I see is easy middle almost every Auburn possession. Bama might still win because Auburn is doing some undisciplined shit but they need to make some shots.
  5. Alabama's defense is utter ass cheeks.
  6. This game is fucking wild
  7. The state of their basketball program is just sad, frankly. Gallagher-Iba used to be one of the most electric venues in all of college basketball and there is just no financial support there for them in the NIL era.
  8. I imagine Zona's going to be working on those foul shots. Straight up cost them the game not being focused at the line.
  9. Zona has missed like 5 critical FTs in the last 5 mins and it's prob gonna cost them the game
  10. Good game going on in Tuscon, Houston up 5 with 3:32 left.
  11. Thanks fellas. I should have clarified, he is in a medically induced coma. They put him under to treat his traumatic brain injury, he is expected to recover eventually as long as nothing unexpected goes wrong, but it will be a process and it's been tough on all of us. The fucking idiot wasn't wearing a proper helmet and I'm going to kick his ass after he recovers.
  12. This is why I don't fucking pay for streaming services anymore. I just bootleg stream everything. They're all greedy as fuck and anti-consumer, fuck 'em.
  13. @SydneyCarton apologies for never getting around to responding. My little brother was in a serious accident on his dirt bike and is currently in a coma, I was posting from the hospital whenever I posted that brief reply...hence why I haven't made any posts in the last week or so. I would be happy to continue the discussion at a later time, but I don't currently have the mental bandwidth to do arguments on the internet. Peace and love, homies.
  14. Acknowledging your post, will respond later, busy
  15. I'll take a crack and I'll probably miss a bunch. Bama has a great record but a shit defense that makes me balk at ever putting them at a 1 seed A&M as a 2 seed is a joke, 4 at the highest KU is way too inconsistent for me to put them any higher than 5, ISU is also inconsistent but probably 2-3 seed quality or higher when playing at their best Wisconsin at 4? Try 6 Ole Miss is at best a 7 seed UCLA I would have said 9 seed before the last couple games but they're moving up I think Dan Hurley is like, days away from a Mark Adams style meltdown so we'll see, not that it affects their seeding currently OU is probably worth an 11 or 12 seed at best It's questionable if Gonzaga is even a tournament team right now Texas should be a 7-9 seed right now I'm sure there's more but it's late
  16. Fuck Baylor
  17. Well, shit, if we're speculating about ideal worlds...
  18. I'm not sure "we should deport people who don't vote the way I want" is a good way to separate ourselves from the GQP.
  19. There's more than that, like censuring the only Palestinian congressperson while claiming that criticism of Israel is antisemitism. That kind of shit doesn't sit right with a lot of people, kind of like the recent antics of Fetterman.
  20. It's not that they needed to woo Palestinian voters, overall they are an insignificant bloc that can't affect the outcome of an election. They needed to energize their own previously strong voting base and failed to, and the situation in Gaza and the party's response was a strong reason for that, backed up by polling data. Blaming the Palestinian voters for their loss is abject insanity.
  21. Who's saying that the Dems aren't better than the GOP? God damn man you're preaching to the choir and no one is arguing with you.
  22. Well, you're wrong. I think they made some fatal mistakes in the last year of the Biden administration and during the Harris campaign that cost them the election, but they're certainly not responsible for what Trump does.
  23. Do you think I'm saying that Democrats are to blame for what Trump does or is going to do? I'm not saying that at all. I'm simply saying their handling of the Gaza situation disaffected many previously solid D voters. This is backed up by empirical data. It is not an emotional take. At some point, they have to take some responsibility for failing to reach said voters.
  24. Show your work. And going to the extreme of "completely cutting off and condemning Israel" as your only alternative to what the Biden admin did is really disingenuous.
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