The ureter is the problem area. The plumbing from the bladder down can handle passing that with no problem.
My diet is based on the stone type I produce. I was a chronic producer having 7-8 lithotripsies between HS and college. On one occasion I had 11 retained stones on one side and 9 on the other. I’ve only had 2 stones in the 19 years since.
I take 1 800 mg chanca piedra daily, and a 1080mg potassium citrate twice daily. My diet requires that I avoid foods high in oxalates. That includes dark colored drinks like coffee, tea, sodas and beer. Potatoes, nuts and nut butters, grains, chocolates and certain green leafy vegetables are also no no’s. Naturally, I have a large daily water intake and lemonade is actually particularly good for me when I want some flavor.
Im not completely sworn off the foods above, but consume them in very limited quantities. For example, I’ve got a root beer put aside for my birthday this month. The last soda I had was at the beginning of August, and this will be maybe my 4th of the year. I’ll knock back some mashed potatoes and sweet tea on Thanksgiving, but it will be the first time I’ve had either since New Years.
It sucks, but you’ll do what you have to do to avoid that pain.