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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dowsing Donald's Rod. Donald's Dowsing. Look we don't have to make it complicated and we certainly do not have to make it effective. Let's say it runs on the power of MAGA, and if it doesn't work, you are not MAGA enough. Now whether we go with the Y shaped stick, or the two individual rods, I'll let you decide. We probably need the latter, but made in a factory in China called USA.
  2. Mine also has the element of racism/xenophobia built in. We can charge extra for that.
  3. @atomheartbevo OK, look I am not entirely greedy. I need help to pull this off. We are going to sell Adrenochrome harvested from deported Mexican children but with the Mexican in them distilled out. Since the FDA doesn't regulate "vitamins" we just pop this on the shelves and sell it through Alex Jones types.
  4. My wife asked me to test drive a Volvo for her. The entire time I kept hearing in my head, “they’re boxy, but good”
  5. That was the first election promise. Along with $8 every 6 months for health care that covers everything.
  6. Oversized commercial vehicles/equipment should only be transported at night.
  7. It really is fascinating seeing Goebbels' statement in action in my lifetime. And horrifying.
  8. God: And then I didn't pasteurize it so those assholes could get diseased and die.
  9. My guess is that she wasn’t enthusiastic enough in her previous role.
  10. I have shot plenty of bullets up into the air, never saw one come down.
  11. Back-off Warchild, he can count to 30 and has a half-step up on you.
  12. People who put milk/sugar in coffee are terrorists.
  13. I have read so much bullshit from people who overstate the challenges they have to face while simultaneously minimizing the challenges others face. But let's get real. You believed the "I am from the government and I am here to help" bullshit/lie and ran with it. The military, police, roads, sewage, vaccines, education, treaties, building codes, firemen, GPS you use to not get lost, road signs, stop signs, stop lights, zoning so you don't live next to a chemical plant and drink polluted water, that is all from the fucking government you deride while enjoying the benefits of. It was the oil industry who turned to the government to ask for regulations to prevent another spindletop situation. It was the public who cried out for food safety after they read Sinclair's The Jungle. You deride the education that allowed you to hire or paid for the person who hired and mentored you. You likely claim to be a self-made man, while ignoring the society that nurtured your development and cared for you.
  14. Great they will just rewrite it so we have olds there too.
  15. Troy Smith has a Heisman Trophy. VY does not.
  16. Just looking at the 5 second mark. Uncalled hands to the face. 3 blockers doing fuck all. We have a lineman who has been slung out of the way and Davis has to pick him up instead of his man. Our WR doesn't block. Forcing the RB to try for between two engaged linemen who make the play along with the unblocked man. As shit as a performance as this was all around, it could have still worked if the WR blocked at all. If the lineman could block, Davis could have taken on his man, and the running to the right should have been more successful than to the left. Pre-snap, Georgia has a guy timing the snap count, and he is moving forward when we snap the ball with 12 seconds left on the play clock, giving him the advantage.
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