I have read so much bullshit from people who overstate the challenges they have to face while simultaneously minimizing the challenges others face.
But let's get real. You believed the "I am from the government and I am here to help" bullshit/lie and ran with it. The military, police, roads, sewage, vaccines, education, treaties, building codes, firemen, GPS you use to not get lost, road signs, stop signs, stop lights, zoning so you don't live next to a chemical plant and drink polluted water, that is all from the fucking government you deride while enjoying the benefits of.
It was the oil industry who turned to the government to ask for regulations to prevent another spindletop situation. It was the public who cried out for food safety after they read Sinclair's The Jungle. You deride the education that allowed you to hire or paid for the person who hired and mentored you. You likely claim to be a self-made man, while ignoring the society that nurtured your development and cared for you.