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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. Yeah, they were "working on it" like Trump's health care plan, infrastructure deal, and My Pillow Guy's evidence. Shit even the "two weeks" guys in the Money Pit eventually finished.
  2. So I can't use this one... goddamnit... it could have been so perfect.
  3. But that belies an education issue. USSR was never a communist country, but that never stopped the stupids from thinking they were. I can relabel grapes as cotton candy, but they are still grapes. That voters and immigrants never learned this is also our problem. Ignorance, dissonance, and bias are the building blocks towards oligarchic rule.
  4. I fucking love this. Fucks over his base, olds on drugs.
  5. His main objective was to mitigate the disaster of Covid, then start-unfucking everything else. There was too much to unfuck, because the bad actors are entrenched and didn't just start with trump.
  6. why only 3 days? It is clearly a troll account.
  7. To be fair, I have the opinion (I could be wrong) that those who escaped or immigrated from left-wing authoritarian regimes are kind of programmed to be against what they see as the left in the U.S. because they think it is a path to authoritarianism rather than having the local knowledge that it is the right who is more prone to authoritarian tendencies/policies.
  8. that was said in jest. No explanation was required.
  9. To be fair, there should never be prisoners from the 155th taken.
  10. Some fans were clamoring for PK's head after the first season. I am glad Sark chose continuity over knee jerk reaction.
  11. But he put on a heck of a daytime fireworks show!
  12. What is really amazing is the power of investment and branding is what is overlooked. We are seeing proverbial gameshow hosts now being considered thought leaders and getting important roles in government (branding) and middling intelligent people who have inherited wealth able to game the system to massively grow their fortunes if they suspend normal social norms/ethics and even outright stupid people grow their inherited wealth to unimaginable numbers (investment), and how our structure/society really rewards this over effort or scholarly pursuits.
  13. 1) Sometimes it is better to stay on to be a thorn in the side of the fuckery. This is likely the motivations of Jasmine, AOC, Bernie, and others who stick it out. 2) Olds are shitty to children is nothing new. Grow up around them enough, and you will find out that the kindly mentoring types are outnumbered by the pathetic and self-serving assholes who think they have paid their dues and are owed and entitled to being catered to. Especially if they grew up somewhere else.
  14. Well the planet was safe, few knew the coordinates, there was little threat among the docile population, and the barrier restricted entrance. It would have been a great place to call home. His pirate crew fucked it up by being violent and blowing shit up scaring and motivating people to action. Sucks that this might not get picked up. Kids now want to binge watch it and watch other Star Wars shows.
  15. Qualifiers were present, there is so much uncertainty around the figures that adding conditions such as some people not having access or a competing treatment option is akin to the Sex Panther efficacy statements.
  16. Wasn’t there an article about them hosting pirated movies?
  17. You do realize we have Abbott, and Mike Miles fucking fought a smile for a moment when talking about the rodent problem in HISD schools. (see other thread)
  18. https://houstonlanding.org/hisd-leaders-failed-to-get-board-approval-for-up-to-870-million-in-spending-records-show/ The board is bullshit. The superintendent is bullshit. But hey, they are fixing the rodent problem at Lanier MS, by using sticky traps so they can be cruel as fuck to animals too. https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/houston-isd-rat-infestation/285-0b5b6764-e8aa-42f0-8f85-75808ccfdc36 I guess rodent piss and shit is part of making america great in education. Fuckers. Note that at around 1:50 in the video he looks to be fighting back a smile when talking about the maintenance crew being on top of it. Also remember, this is the replacement crew since he fired/gutted the maintenance crews and specialists. Big fucking surprise it is failing.
  19. Dude, he was able to provide his kids names. That is amazing.
  20. To be fair, I find shooting paper quite calming for my mind. I generally am able to tune out most distractions and just focus on putting a bullet on a spot of paper without any other mental distractions and I spend a bit of time on each shot.
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