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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. He knows exactly who he works for. The oligarchy.
  2. I am going to break from you here a bit. They have had some fantastic scientists and educated some good people over there. A paleontologist who taught me came from there and advised me to attend UT. Another current professor of geophysics they have is a brilliant dude.
  3. Oh, no, rural people with less access to right wing propaganda on the internet.....
  4. OK. Are districts drawn/redrawn every presidential election cycle or are they based off the census? Since I already know the answer to that, then you know that using the most recent Presidential election is not as representative as using the previous election cycles. So your comparison is flawed at best even with only a cursory analysis. Second, look into how California assigns the redistricting. Source So you singling out California for using an independent commission to redraw districts, while overlooking that Texas' uses a single party (in power) to draw it. I will refrain from going on further at the moment.
  5. @StassneyHorn You are correct, I am wrong. Pissy mood doesn't excuse my projection. I am sorry. AwK has demonstrated he doesn't give a shit about facts/truth and he ran away when he was asked for clarity or challenged to talk about something. While he has no obligation to respond, in a discussion forum, just posting lies and running away is not really cool.
  6. Plus, I already posted how California draws their districts and not a single fucking one of you could tell me how that was so fucking unfair.
  7. I already exposed this lie earlier, and yet, you keep repeating it.
  8. Yes, yes, you did vote for all of that. die hard... just die.
  9. Move fast and break things. Disruptor mindset is what we need. Just hop on to the next spacex rocket and hope it doesn’t prematurely disassemble .
  10. Are you fucking telling me that republican research on their candidates is as good as their research on vaccines/covid/horse dewormer? Shocked, i tell you.
  11. This isn't really helpful. If you are white male and middle class/lower class, cops still shit on you, threaten you, and harass you. If you are not educated or lack access to money, you can still get fucked over by lawyers and insurance companies simply because you cannot afford a lawsuit or the value isn't there. You can get shitty medical care. Having everyone tell you how great you have it, because you get shit on less in some capacity. Not everyone is born with a credit card, trust fund, or high credit rating, because they tick the 'majority' boxes (straight, white, male). Being white, didn't stop the cops from beating Kelly Thomas to death.
  12. Russian State media was in the Oval Office for the Zelensky-Trump showdown
  13. There is a reason the FTSE 100 is kicking the shit out of the SP500 this year.
  14. I am sure they will make the Saudi leadership step out of their dresses right? No, of course not. This wasn't set off by wardrobe selection, this was theater, entirely planned to be an asshole to him, to make him seem disrespectful in attempt to justify their cozying up to Putin and trying to create peace agreements like an 1800s European colonizer. If he wore a suit, they would have just latched on to whatever thinly veiled distraction they could manage. You didn't thank us. Well you didn't thank us enough. You campaigned for the guy who beat our guy's ass and helped your country, how fucking dare you!
  15. Rubio lives for this type of humiliation.
  16. Don't you fucking dare justify this shit. You don't vote for a rapist, conman, felon, because we need change. you do it cause you are a piece of shit.
  17. facts, decency.
  18. Cowards hate seeing a real man. Even on their own turf, outnumbering him, those fucks tried to intimidate a man who has been selflessly fighting for the survival of his family and his people and they could do nothing to cower him.
  19. We just bought first class tickets to them to heaven! Why are they so ungrateful?
  20. This is to buy rural voters who were resistant due to the loss of funding that will happen due to the voucher programs. This brings a little more money back to their community/teachers that they can claim as a win, then they can blame the teachers for the lack of performance as the students there get hosed. Maybe they got a few of the larger rural communities to agree if Ms. Abbott's or FrackBros Charter School agrees to open a branch in their region. Yeah, none of this is based on evidence beyond what unscrupulous activities that Abbott and company have done before. I really fucking hope I am wrong. I really really want to be wrong.
  21. Um, he claimed having sex with women for fun is gay, and that being alpha is having sex with transgender women who still have the original plumbing. I think Stone's wife is going to have to rent some other boys.
  22. Cite your source or bullshit.
  23. For what it is worth, this is something I struggle with as well. In the interest of the kids, I will still make an effort to see them. But they don't seem to care to acknowledge that they continue to put my kids at risk and cause us unnecessary stress with their voting and while my kids appreciate the thoughtful gifts they recently sent, I am still remaining aloof. I wish I wasn't so petty, but I suppose my exhaustion has made it easier. They live in a different state but when I brought something up about how I was disappointed with how they voted and how it would create a greater burden on my family but they just defaulted to 'states rights' response, to which I responded it is funny how social security and medicare are not 'states rights' issues. Imagine if Floridians had to pay for Floridians.
  24. Why? They already treat religion and facts like a salad bar, take what they want and leave the rest. Heck, @Ag with kids still cannot be bothered to respond to a comment he made despite numerous attempts and sources cited. Same tactic Johnny Sack uses.
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