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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. You hit capacity 3 times this season. Iowa, Kansas, and Texas. Jarrod might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I think that sentiment was shared by another player as well but not quite as bulletin board material. So from what I can see, that attitude permeates your team (we remember that 5 star culture crack). From what I could see, your fans were really engaged, but there was a lot of anti-Texas stuff for fans who are just passionate about ISU. We all have paint chip eating fans, and I was limited to what perspective the TV showed so that might not be representative. But hearing it from coaches and multiple players, it is fair for us to draw that conclusion. Example 1, 2,
  2. But that's why you get paid the little bucks. To do the actual work while they actively burn the bridges you previously built. Got to work in how he was sold a backwards cowboy hat.
  3. I think people on here were hopeful for Yormark and his decision to expand was the correct one for the conference. But with respect to OU/TX it was too little too late. The conference preferred to be run by petty people and they brought in another petty person. Had he done his job, I don’t think there would be an issue with Texas playing former conference teams. But instead he doubled down on the officiating fuckery, picked sides, and promoted predictable lies. So yeah, I guess he looks great to you, but you are looking at shadows and elected these shackles.
  4. Yormark may not have started it, but he has continued on the same stupid path. In other words new boss is same as the old boss who was the same as the old boss. That is why we are where we are.
  5. Return is what is above the investment, by convention. When one invests in the us markets that track the s&p500 they don’t claim to expect a 110% annual return, they say 10%. But it really just depends on one’s conventions, from the natural sciences background it would be 110%. From a business degree it’s 10% return.
  6. Nivek

    Longhorn Network

    Counterpoint: watching Nebraska football die has been fun.
  7. He is attempting to make a funny by referencing Al Bundy from Married With Children. It was hysterical.
  8. No way. Snap it in half and toss it in the trash. Or put it in the trophy case with the quotes of the commissioner and his lackey and put christmas lights all around it. And a push button with laughing sounds.
  9. Yes, but they could be part of the part of the part of the rebuilding year that will rebuild and get them 3rd place in the division. If they leave now and join say a real school/coach/program with women cheerleaders/ they might win, learn, and be reprogrammed, possibly live out their dream with a shot at the NFL, but it will feel empty in comparison to all the aggy pep rally jokes (kick) they miss out on.
  10. No, they are rapists, thieves, murderers, child killers, pedophiles, kidnappers and terrorists. They need to be isolated and forced to live in their own filth.
  11. they are all interchangeable to me. Just morons and cowards spouting off and trying to be men.
  12. I just appreciate how these self sufficient people have to go to town to buy supplies. Kind of like how those bad ass militia types that seized that building but then ran out of snacks and had to give up their insurrection.
  13. Today I learned what happened to Clap Clap Clap
  14. Ben Shaprio must be completely pissed that he has been replaced by Charlie Kirk.
  15. Actually, it is all transactional with him. How can he get what he wants and can they help is the only thought going through his mind. If someone has no value, it doesn't matter if they offer their first born, he will set them up (which is of value)
  16. We want the b12 teams because they wont be protected by their refs (bowl game refs are not from the conference of either school). We don’t want their crews if we can avoid them. For this bowl season we might draw an SEC crew which could be in our favor.
  17. I don’t think the conference cares one bit. They only threw that dpi on ISU because it looked like a blow to the head and it was clear that ISU was overmatched. They started tossing the flags late in the game to try to make it look somewhat fair. This was the plan, and script they have used before. Because most sports writers and talking heads don’t actually watch the games.
  18. I remember that Ohio State team that kept playing teams close and people wanted to discount them for it. So they beat Miami for the title.
  19. Actually there is plenty the team could do. One is to play the fuckery on the godzillatron on the big screen with quotes by Wiser and Yormark interspersed with the two sided officiating and spots. As part of the pregame warm-up. Show the spots. Show the stats. Ask how our d-line can get so much pressure on Alabama but disappear in the middle of the season against that bad ass Houston oline (with images). Include stats from last season and our perfect opponents.
  20. You mean predictable. See the thing with aggy is that they would win every game they didn’t play or qualify for. From tOSU/USC 2005 season to Georgia 2018, or Alabama 2023 (even though they did play and lost). Every team we beat, didn’t want to be there, got unlucky, got shafted by the refs, even if the opposite was true, got decimated by injuries, etc.
  21. aggy had Johnny 8 Ball, paid 125 million for a title winning coach, and had 10 years of watching Texas be crap to mediocre to recruit against. And they still have less to show for it than Mizzou, a school and program that outperforms and outclasses them.
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