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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. I recently heard that Tesla only counts accidents in Teslas where the airbag deploys as a Tesla accident, but they count that against any other car where regardless of airbag deployment, so they can fudge the numbers. In 2023 there is a Forbes article about Tesla having the highest rates of accident, 23.5 per 1000 drivers, and since then their numbers have gone up to over 26/1000 drivers. No one gives a shit if they were harmed by FSD or Autopilot modes.
  2. Do you have kids? Because if you do, you understand it is a complicated balance between figuring out what they are mature/responsible enough to handle and what they are not. My son did not diagnose himself as being on the spectrum, nor was he excluded from the process because we were seeing some differences from neurotypical children. I cannot feel how his brain reacts to ADHD medication, but I can work with him to find a better one. When an acquaintances daughter had panic attacks, they did not consult me about it. SSRI's which were prescribed helped this little girl feel like a little girl. She was high strung and struggled with separation anxiety from her mom. In some ways, I do think being trans is like a mental health challenge. Because I imagine it is challenging to not feel right in their own body/gender and I can guess this goes beyond just feeling off. I can never really understand, but I also do not have to. I simply do not need to understand why someone wants to change something about themselves to make themselves feel better. And the lengths people go to to endure this change to feel better is something that is very daunting. From surgery to medical, to wardrobe, changing fucking information with the government, altering social identities and crowds (which if you read Cialdini's work, you would know is fucking huge). The issue I see it, is that the people on the right, downplay this process and liken it to changing your shoes. We even had a scumbag in a wheelchair talking about kids going to school and having sex change operations at schools, which we all know was complete horseshit but the right never bothered to call this out. (Schools of course lack the budget, expertise, will, and authority to do something like that. They also can't give my kid an advil when she has a headache and for my son to carry an inhaler, I have to fill out several forms and get them all signed by physicians so he can keep an inhaler on him whenever he needs it for wheezing. ) But back to the commented I quoted. I would value the vote of my ASD child. He is probably more informed than many adults and certainly more compassionate and empathetic to others even with his diagnosis. He might not have the context or full history that comes with years, but he knows quite a bit less propaganda and quite a bit more facts, especially relative to my parents.
  3. That part is fair, but when the Nazi element is coming out, and the wounds are fresh, you should expect to get flack. I am more than a little pissed off at my family members who voted similarly as you did. Despite the numerous conversations I have had with them about the struggles of working within public education to get appropriate special education support in Texas, we always had the threat of the denial of FAPE, which is at the Federal level and acted as a guardrail to protect those with special education needs. For those of us in Houston (HISD), we have the governor's appointee and non-elected school board which does not answer to us, but has behaved in ways which have undermined the school system and lead to the loss of life at school (this is not an exaggeration). So this puts me in a predicament. I either, decided to use money I have to educate the kid on my own, which can range between $20-40k/yr or I hoard that, invest it, and use it to possibly supplement his life when I am no longer? Will the education be worth it and will the supports help him achieve a level of independence to enjoy a full life? Or will I have to put my hope that his little brother will be mature enough to take that responsibility on when I am no longer? You probably don't have to think about shit like this. But these types of protections being eroded are maddening to me. Because they harm the most vulnerable members of our society, they cannot vote and lack the maturity to know what is best for them, meanwhile we talk about children and family values but we have historically been underfunding education (and tinkering with it in such ways that have not had great outcomes particularly for boys). And for what? Why are we doing this? So billionaires can what, get rich? To drive more people to religion? To punish people like my son for being born a little atypical? To punish my family? Give me a real fucking reason that makes it worth it? Because while you may not have intended this to happen, it is. It has.
  4. Do you know what caused the inflation?
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juwanna_Mann The other part, is who really gives a fuck about the WNBA?
  6. Look Hitler had some good ideas about using debt to rebuild Germany's industry post WW1. But for the mass murder and wars, he might have been good for Germany. <- This is how we read your post. Sometimes it is important to look around you to see how the party and people who agree with you are also voting. When you are aligned with anti-vax, anti-intellectuals, pro-nazis, that should give you pause. And because our politics is a winner take all, then when you pull the lever for MAGA, you get the Nazis, because they are intertwined. And here is the thing, no one was saying you couldn't defend your home, family or property. That is a bogeyman threat from the right-wingers. I, along with other people on the left, have firearms, can use them, and hunt on occasion (though it is getting less frequent for me). What people like me want, is the removal of accessibility for weapon systems that are designed for suppression or mass casualties. I also want to stop the police from being a pseudo-unionized militia which has limited oversight. That doesn't mean I want them to be killed or removed entirely. But we should not look to the Catholic Church for inspiration on how to deal with bad actors within the organization.
  7. So what are you going to do about it?
  8. Stop lying. The gender stuff is manufactured outrage. The border bill was killed by Trump. The new border policy is a grift game just like last time to enrich the tent providers, private prisons, and facilitators of flights (tickets are 100x the actual cost). He has harmed our alliances, catered to dictators, cut off funding for disease and disease containment (AGAIN), even harmed pediatric cancer research, but decided that $90 million was necessary for a party to celebrate himself. You believe lies, and shift priorities to whatever they tell you to believe. We are cutting back, so why do we need a 4 trillion increase in the debt ceiling? If mr businessman is so fucking amazing, why is health care not $8 every 6 months like he promised the first time? Why are food prices and inflation on the rise again? Why are aircraft suddenly experience an uptick in incidents? Why are we cutting food/drug oversight? Why is a heroin addict with poor judgement and no medical degree in charge of our health? We have problems in this country. Most of them stem from the right wingers idea of governance.
  9. Over the past few years, I have stopped recording all of my kids shows and performances. I realized I started watching them through the device instead of with my own eyes, and so I have largely stopped doing this. I may take a photo or two or a short video for family, but I largely just want the experience.
  10. To make my average kid seem like a god to you because of access.
  11. But but vivek swarmymotherfucker told us we need to have more school and less tv time?
  12. No. He only has two grandsons, but I knew he wouldn't. It was near breakfast time, and I predicted that my mom/sister wouldn't answer the door, and he really doesn't like door-to-door solicitors. I figured the box of cookies would be a distraction for him and he would look at that while only thinking about how he could get rid of this and go back to whatever he was doing. In this case, he just sat down for breakfast.
  13. you see .........well..... you are not a master negotiator.
  14. THATS SOCIALISM! But sending them to Nivek so he could sell them back to people.....
  15. I surprised my family in Florida with a brief visit last year with my eldest child. To have more fun with them, I sent my kid to the door and he tried to sell them some Oreo cookies that he had. My father, predictably answered the door, didn't recognize him, and declined. My kid came back to me laughing. I sent him back there with another item, but my mother and sister who kept reviewing the image decided it was my boy and welcomed him in. A bunch of other family came in that weekend so they all got to individually enjoy the prank.
  16. I was told it would be handled in one day by the master negotiator. One day. On day one. But I guess since this is not day one....
  17. Fair, there was a push this year to move kids into IEPs in Texas at least.
  18. So is trump advocating Ukraine keep Kursk right? right?
  19. Thank you, so now what we really need is just the price per installation and the kWh ratings, and the % capacity which should include maintenance, so we can have a real comparison.
  20. So RFK Jr has used his extensive knowledge from years of heroin abuse to determine that he needs to oversee the medication children and others are getting.
  21. Well, with the states going against 504's, we can all count on special education getting further fucked over. My elderly parents told me how they support it, because it really should be a states issue. I think states should decide who gets social security and medicare not the Feds. Why should I have to pay for them olds? Let Desantis pay for them.
  22. So, whether I have nuke plant, coal plant, or wind turbine I am still selling it all for 2 cents per kWh right?
  23. So where are you getting this figure from that they are charging a fixed rate of 2 cents per kWh? How does this compare to an equivalent output for various other types of energy generation methods? What are their payback rates? What are the laws governing the rates being charged on a generation type (wind, nuke, coal, etc.)?
  24. I’ll believe it when I see it.
  25. How did that work out for the Kurds?
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