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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. Is this their proof of grift or government waste?
  2. Her ex husband should borrow Melania's "I really don't care. Do you?" jacket.
  3. This can get real complicated really fast. Not having properly trained staff is one way to fuck around with it. The schools also get a choice on how to spend the money, and if in the case of HISD, they are doing it outside of the direction of Mike Miles, they get canned. No matter the performance of the school or the students. So the old excuse this was about improving education was as always with these clowns, a lie.
  4. I wonder how schools became such victims of political footballs, but I just can't quite place my finger on it. I mean i vote for people who say we need to defund the schools, break up education, who ignore their own guidelines over class room sizes, who try to break teacher unions, and siphon money from blue districts to feed red districts because no one wants to live there. I mean I have no fucking clue how this could have happened?
  5. I mean, I am sure it is a hoax, but well, I don't give a fuck anymore. They don't.
  6. Maybe Trump can find a way to cut those benefits Jon Stewart fought for. Cause fuck em, that’s why.
  7. Pete got the job because someone likes him or did/owed a favor for someone. It isn't because he is male. He got promoted to lead our military because our idiot electorate (including women) refuse to vote for women regardless of qualifications, mental stability, or competency.
  8. if he wasn't a ho, man wouldn't have anything to be afraid of.
  9. Well, they seem to be trying to maximizing some shareholders wealth.
  10. I was just listening to the BBC ( no @Slacks settle down) and they had on two guests one from Canada and one from Buffalo, NY. The Buffalo woman spoke with a thick accent typical for that region, spoke about being a lifelong Dem, but voted for Trump because she was uncertain about Harris. Does not regret the choice he made but wishes they didn't have tariffs and wishes the Canadians weren't so pissed off at them. She went on to say our relationship with Canada is sibling like, and without any prompting said it was totally different than Mexico. She is just hoping we can all get along. Her parents came here after they left Egypt. She went on to praise Canadians, saying they are practically Americans. We act and think of them as Americans. The Canadian woman responded appropriately.
  11. ^Sounds like engineering to me.
  12. I am sure this well help with market stability. On the plus side, now every business book can be updated to include the US as defaulting on bonds and no longer being the standard.
  13. Same for CRT. No one gave a shit it was actually graduate research, but we needed a movement to keep it out of kindergarten. I suppose we should have another movement to keep topology out of 1st Grade, but those motherfuckers probably think it has to do with maps.
  14. Had a Venezuelan tell me that he was a pure blood Spaniard. It was kind of a joke but then I realized not really. So fucking weird.
  15. This is the distraction to get you to look away from the con/grift/horrible shit.
  16. Actually they need to remove them.
  17. That is the Authoritarian playbook. Have statues/picture everywhere or dominate the NEWS feeds with your crap. This type of shit really feeds the minds of those who want political reality TV 247, but probably complained about reality TV.
  18. That was kind of the point. He didn't know what he didn't know and didn't have the experience our assistance to see this could happen to his company.
  19. Dell did such a great job outsourcing all the materials and construction to ASUS that they built their own computers and took his business away from him.
  20. Did you recently suffer some head trauma?
  21. Ivanka took USAID money. Does that count?
  22. Fuck off Nazi.
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