The last 24 hours may have been my most challenging yet. Ive mentioned her oldest (21) before in this thread. Very unstable. Yesterday wife tried to wake him up to go to work at 4p, had to be there at 6. Wouldnt get up. We had plans out last night and went ahead with them. He woke shortly after 6 called screaming about why someone didnt wake him. He then proceeded to hit, punch and kick his girlfriend who also lives with us in the head saying it was her fault.
Her 16 year old got him off of her and got her out of the house and called us to tell us what happened. We immediately left our plans and raced home. After arriving home wife found the oldest and told him he wasnt staying home last night that he needed to find somewhere else.
About 10p he came back went upstairs and physically again tried to remove his girlfriend from their room. Wife and i went upstairs and told him he was leaving, he refused to move, so then i had to try to move him. He squared up to me and i told him he didnt want to do that. It was then he grabbed a 5 inch knife and swung it at me and threatened to stab me. I had no choice but to call 911. Cops took 30 mins to get to the house, he called repeatedly on the phone asking if they were looking for him. And he deliberately cut himself on the arm with the knife. In the end i filed charges against him. I f'ing hate that but i have a duty to protect my wife and the 16 yr old twins.
Apparently after i left for work he snuck back into the house and we just told him its mental hospital or jail. More screaming before supposedly agreeing to go to the ward. Wife goes to take him and he's run off again.
I feel responsible. I hate it.