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About Bevojoe

  • Birthday July 25

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  1. Looks like that depends on what a person wants to major in. For example, Texas has the #1 undergrad Accounting program in the country while Stanford is #8. But the ranking for the best overall Business School has Stanford at #2 and Texas at #19. How they boil these down with all the other undergrad and grad programs I have no clue. Some kind of voodoo magic I guess.
  2. Beautiful!! I'm stealin' this.
  3. Agree. If they want to fight, let them have a go at each other. No need to get involved.
  4. And some New Yorkers have actually bought season tickets to watch this crap every week.
  5. Sounds like the crowd is boo-ing every play. Only in NYC.
  6. now they're showing player baby pic.
  7. -12 yards for the Jets...beyond pathetic
  8. Damn Jets can't even get a play off on time.
  9. Third string is moving the ball, not passing but Jets are moving
  10. OUCH!! Looks like that ankle is busted
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