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About Bevojoe

  • Birthday July 25

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  1. Looks like that depends on what a person wants to major in. For example, Texas has the #1 undergrad Accounting program in the country while Stanford is #8. But the ranking for the best overall Business School has Stanford at #2 and Texas at #19. How they boil these down with all the other undergrad and grad programs I have no clue. Some kind of voodoo magic I guess.
  2. Money talks
  3. Beautiful!! I'm stealin' this.
  4. Agree. If they want to fight, let them have a go at each other. No need to get involved.
  5. Browns, 89 yard TD pass.
  6. And some New Yorkers have actually bought season tickets to watch this crap every week.
  7. Sounds like the crowd is boo-ing every play. Only in NYC.
  8. now they're showing player baby pic.
  9. -12 yards for the Jets...beyond pathetic
  10. Damn Jets can't even get a play off on time.
  11. I need another beer...
  12. Third string is moving the ball, not passing but Jets are moving
  13. Damn! Not Broken?
  14. OUCH!! Looks like that ankle is busted
  15. What Tree Fiddy said
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